Financial & Investment Tips

The problem with “The Sound of Freedom” that we should be talking about…

Have you seen “the Sound of Freedom” yet? Well, we just saw it and there is something we all need to be talking about with it. But first, let me take you back a few years…

About 5 years ago Linda and I were on our way out of town to go on a much needed vacation. We were many years into the baby-phase of parenting with little sleep, crying babies, and non-stop diapers.

Just wanting a little break from it all, we decided we were going to take a vacation with the kids. So we packed up our bags and headed to the airport.

Once at the airport we stepped up to the counter and were told that the adoption paperwork we had for our child wasn’t sufficient to travel.

Long-story short, we hadn’t yet received a birth-certificate for this child, we ONLY had the certificate of adoption, and this airline was fighting us on it.

As the minutes were counting down until boarding and I realized we might not even be able to fly with our kids, I was confused and really angry.

How dare this airline not believe me that these were MY kids? The whole thing made no sense at all.

You can also watch the recording of our discussion on our SeedTime Money Podcast YouTube channel:

A few months later…

Fast-forward a few months at a conference Linda and I were attending. For the first time we heard about human-trafficking and all that was actually going on in the world.

As we sat there in that room with a bunch of other comfortable American Christians in our little bubble, our eyes were opened to the tragic realities of what was happening all around us.

The woman speaking was explaining when she saw first hand the abhorrent truths of trafficking. She was taken to a part of the world where trafficking was rampant and explained:

“I saw little kids being sold at a market like trinkets. I saw young girls, who should have been playing with dolls, on the corner turning tricks. I looked up to my left and in a window a few stories up I saw what appeared to be a 5 year old girl in a cage looking down on the street below.

With tears in my eyes I asked my guide why she was in a cage and he said ‘because she hasn’t been broken yet’”.

Linda and I stood in the back of the room trying not to bawl our eyes out as we clung a little tighter to our baby in our arms.

We now understood, and even appreciated, that airline’s reluctance to let us fly with a baby without proper documentation.

The fact is, they were doing what they could do to help solve this incredibly complex human-trafficking problem.

A problem that (unfortunately) even strict protocols at massive airlines aren’t nearly enough to truly help solve.

Why “the Sound of Freedom” isn’t enough to help, either:

Yesterday, Linda and I went to the theater to see the Sound of Freedom movie.

And when I walked out of that movie theater I was more compelled than ever to “earn all I can”.

That might sound strange but let me explain…

The movie was fantastic. It wasn’t at all cheesy and the acting was phenomenal.

It told a true and difficult story with grace.

And most important, it does what good art should do…

It inspires you to act.

It isn’t a movie you go to watch for 2 hours to forget about your 1st-world problems, but rather it leaves you compelled to act to do something.

And there lies the problem.

Just donating $100 to an organization fighting trafficking to calm my conscience isn’t enough for me and probably won’t be for you either.

And THAT is why I left the movie wanting to “earn all I can”.

So I can GIVE more to help fight these atrocities and use my dollars to rob Hell.

This is why we have been shouting our message…

And my prayer is that everyone would understand why we are shouting the message that we are here at SeedTime.

Yes I want you to be debt-free.

I get pumped when I hear you are going on a vacation with your family.

Or even get that car you have been dreaming of for years.

But, man oh man, I just want you to see that the reason behind why God wants you out of the slavery of debt…

So that you can add more zeros to checks for organizations fighting trafficking.

To use your dollars to rescue kids.

Or whatever it is that God has put on your heart.

Because we’ve had students that we’ve helped not only create a working budget… but then they were able to give 500% more each month towards causes on their heart!

And other students who implemented what we teach in our True Financial Freedom class who were able to increase their giving by 10% and some even being able to “give their age”.

And our 10x investing students aren’t just trying to multiply their investments to buy their 2nd yacht, but because they want to be able to GIVE more to help rescue that 5-year-old girl in the cage.

This is why I believe all this money stuff is actually DEEPLY spiritual.

I never want to forget that image burned in my mind of that little girl in that cage…

Because it fuels me to do my absolute best with managing and multiplying the money that’s been entrusted to me.

Are you with us?

If this resonates with you, then you are in good company here. This is what this community is all about.

This is the why behind what we do.

We are praying for you.

God’s got so much more that He wants to do through you.

And we are going to help you do this money thing right…

Not just for a bigger bank account – but so you can push back against the forces of darkness in the world with your time, treasure, and talents.

If you’re ready to join the fight…

Maybe you’re just “getting ready for the battle” at this point by trying to pay down debt, control spending, or getting your head wrapped around multiplying your resources.

If that’s the case, we’d love to help accelerate that process with our book or any of our courses. They are our living library of the blueprints God has given us to make more impact with our money and lives.

We’d love to be able to help equip you for the battle, whatever that means in your current situation.

If you’re more inclined to give directly, check out the fantastic work that A21 is doing to fight back against child trafficking.

Whatever the case, we’re glad you’re here! And we’re praying that you would catch a God-sized vision with all the resources you need to walk it out faithfully.

Your friend and coach,

Bob Lotich

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