Credit Score & Credit Repair

Tax Time is Approaching… Don’t Be Late!

The Credit Restoration Institute wishes you and your loved ones a Happy Valentine’s Day. We hope you have a great day surrounded by those you love.

credit restoration institute - Tax Season

As owner Robert Linkonis says, “Uncle Sam is the largest debt collector in the country.” Make sure that you pay your taxes or consider calling the IRS and getting on a payment plan. Do not just let it sit out there.

The IRS is reminding taxpayers to take necessary actions during this tax season. When filing, some essential items to consider are whether or not you’ll be affected by the tax credit levels and how to avoid refund delays.

Tax time is stressful, so it is crucial you have helpful information to help throughout the process. You can access the full report from the IRS here.

credit restoration institute -  real results

Our custom credit disputes leverage the consumer protection laws and the credit bureaus’ automated codes to help remove or correct unverifiable items.

As our client, we dispute accounts with the bureaus and creditors on your behalf. Using our years of experience, we use the tools you need to move your case forward and get the results you are looking for.

Mortgage readiness and getting pre-approved all imply creditworthiness. You, too, can improve your credit.

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