Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Take the Trip Again – Blogging Away Debt Blogging Away Debt


Many of you who have been following my journey know that my mom has been on hospice care for almost two years now. In fact, two years ago, they told me to come immediately and say goodbye. They didn’t expect her to last much longer. Parkinson’s sucks!

I love seeing my family. But it’s been so hard saying good-bye every time I go back to visit.


The end may be near

This trip was a little different. The signs are there. The end may be nearing. She’s starting to have trouble swallowing or refusing to eat.

But this post isn’t about that. It’s about the awe inspiring care I have gotten to witness every time I have visited. My dad and siblings provide around the clock care. They are relentless in their pursuit of what is best for my mom’s care. They spend HOURS every day getting the most basic nutrition into her. And then adding treats on top of that.

They keep meticulous notes. They bathe her, change her, inspect for any signs of bed sores. Turn her over several times a day. They sit with her. Watch movies with her. Make sure there is moisturizer on her lips and her glasses are cleaned.

The dedication and love my family displays love in action like I have never seen or experienced. So I will make this trip as often as I’m asked. Because the self-sacrifice my family exemplifies every day is inspiring!

But, otherwise, this trip also showed me just how much I am settling into my new phase of life. How much I am enjoying being home. Not chasing the constant adventure travel that I used to crave so much. While I am still pulled to the road on occasion, what I really want to do is stay home and piddle around my house and yard.

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