
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Would You Change to Make Millions?

Would you change to make millions? Saving for your retirement can be impossible unless you know what to do.  Putting money into a 401K is a no brainer, but where do you find the money? Small changes in your spending can achieve $1-2,000,000 over your lifetime. You can start today! 10 Small Changes: Save your change – this can be as much as $50 a month. This can be almost painless!  I never carry change, so every time I receive coin in change I put it into a jar.  At the end of the month, I have as much as $50 in change accumulated. Stop buying soda, coffee, and junk food when out – $100 -150 per month.  This can be a hidden expense because you are going to

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Who Do You Trust For Money Advice?

For many of us, it’s difficult to know what to do when it comes to our finances. There are so many decisions to make. While the basic “live within your means” advice can apply, the reality is that there is more to money management than making sure that your expenses are smaller than your income. What do you do to save for retirement? What’s the best course of action when trying to pay down debt? There’s a lot to think about, and it makes sense to carefully consider who you will trust for money advice. Who Can You Turn To? One of the more interesting bits of information I read recently is the fact that millennials trust their parents for financial advice. A

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