
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Money Matters: Saving

Saving is income not spent or deferred consumption. Saving involves reducing expenditures such as recurring costs in terms of personal finance. It is the first step to achieve your financial goal. It may be to purchase a car, a down payment for your first home, vacation, or retirement. If you are like most people, life gets in the way of saving for retirement. Make saving a priority and find money to save! No excuses! Before you give me an excuse why you cannot save, make it automatic! If you set up a payroll deduction, the money will automatically go to your savings or money market account. Are you saving for a major purchase or retirement? For as little as $15 a day and an average rate of

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Why Get a College Degree?

Why get a college degree?  You would expect a high return on investment (ROI), if you attended Harvard, Yale or MIT. Even if you received a degree from a no name university.  A lot of families are thinking about this question, whether you are a high school senior or just graduated.   Finding a job in this economy is tough and paying off student loans are tougher without a job.   Is college worth it? College tuition has increased more than inflation in the last few years thanks to state budget shortfalls.  If you want to attend a private university, the cost is approaching the cost of a small home.  No doubt about it, a college education is expensive whether you go to a public or private university.  Has

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

What Is the Best Career for You?

The best career is when you match your skills and interests. You could look for careers that have high growth such computer technology, healthcare, biotechnology, fire or police. After all, they are high paying and there is more opportunity for promotion. It sounds great, but if you are not interested and do not have the skills you will not be a good candidate. Success is performing your job well!  Choosing a career is something that requires more than five (5) minutes! Too often, when faced with student loans or other pressing problems, we just take the easy route to a job. For example, if you majored in liberal arts in college and you have not demonstrated your skills in the real world, you decide to become

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