
Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Four ways to get out of debt

With the recent news that payday loan companies in the United Kingdom are now writing off more than £220 million worth of debts, the subject of debt is both a topical and indeed a very sensitive one.Over here in the United States, we haven’t quite got it so easy – yet. There are a number of ways you can get yourself out of debt without having to resort to the extremes. Here are a few tried and tested methods to get you out of struggle.Work it outIt’s going to take time and a few home truths, but you need to figure out exactly where your debt is going and who needs repaying first. See if there are any ways of consolidating your debts

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How To Reduce The Risk of a Public Liability Claim

The health and safety of your employees is usually at the front of your mind, but what about the safety of third party stakeholders who use or interact with your work environment in some way? It can all become very messy very quickly. Every business should consult with a legal specialist like Patinos Personal Lawyers to determine your third party liability obligations. Below are some insightful suggestions on how you can reduce your risk of a public liability claim.Have InsuranceAs a company or business you are only asking for trouble if you do not have adequate insurance that will protect you against accidents. Remember that insurance requirements vary from company to company and from industry to industry. Just because one business has a specific type of

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

I’m a hard worker… (but so is everyone else!) Surefire Techniques to a Successful Job Interview

In my job-seeking consultancy, job seekers overwhelmingly feel the job interview is the most difficult, anxiety-filled and mysterious part of the job seeking process. “How do I make myself stand out?”  “How do I talk about myself without bragging?”“What are employers REALLY looking for during the job interview?”“I feel powerless at an interview and don’t feel I have control of my answers.” When you think about it, job interviews are a combination of a test of knowledge, background, expertise and skills, as well as a way for employers to get a feeling for how your personality would fit in the culture of the company. As a matter of fact, in the final job interview, each of the finalists for

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

For job seekers, modesty is over-rated, but confidence never goes out of style.

I was in the park with my young kids the other day and heard a conversation between a child, his mother and one of his mom’s friends. “David, how have you been?” “I’ve been great!  I play baseball now!” “How’s that going?” “Terrific!  In my last game, I had three hits and a homerun!  I also pitched and got four strikeouts! My coach named me the player of the game!” Mom chimes in: “Now Davey! You shouldn’t brag! Remember, there were other kids on that team that helped win the game too!” Everyone probably remembers a conversation like this from their own childhood. Ever since we were kids we’ve been reminded that it is impolite to brag, take all the credit or

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Let’s cut to the chase: What do you want to do?

So often, I get calls from job seekers who have been at the job search for a while.  They are frustrated because after months of sending out resume after resume, they are still not getting any traction.  There are few interviews and they don’t seem any closer to landing a job. A common misconception in job seeking is that the first thing you should do when looking for a job is to write a resume.   After studying the habits of hundreds of successful job seekers, it is clear that resumes, while important, are not the first strategy in beginning your job search.  A typical conversation will go something like this: ME: “So you’ve been at it for a while, but you are frustrated with

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Looking for a job? Before you apply, read this.

After you’ve scanned the list and found the position(s) you want to apply for, here are some tips on what to do next: 1.)  Before you apply, determine that you’re qualified for the job.   A good rule of thumb is to apply for a job where you match 75{7dabfd103aa443fce219eea47f0f346a11a54ce587a1a0cbb74f06b9f7a304ca} or higher of the key job qualifications.  Measure your strengths based on what the job requires in terms of background, education, job responsibilities and other key criteria. 2.)  Look for the clues.  Each job posting provides you with clues to what the company believes are the key areas they will be ranking candidates to determine if they will be granted an interview.  Usually, there are 4-5 critical phrases in the job posting that will help you to

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Confidence. The one nonnegotiable quality of successful job seekers.

It happened again. I was talking to a job seeker last week and the conversation went something like this: “So, can you tell me the types of challenges you are having with your job search?” “Well, I’m not sure if my resume is any good.  Many of the jobs I apply to, I feel over qualified, but sometimes I apply to jobs where I’m under qualified.  I used to feel as if I was confident in interviews, but now, I’m really crappy at them.  Sometimes with the jobs I apply for I think I’m not old enough and other times I think I’m not young enough.  I’ve changed my resume a lot so people can’t tell how

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Job search got you overwhelmed? Make it more manageable (and effective!)

For many, there is an overwhelming sense of anxiety that goes with their hunt for the perfect job.  Sending out endless resumes, not hearing back, or going to an interview and not getting the job, and meanwhile, time marches on.  Bills stack up, there’s pressure from the family and, of course, you are trying to manage your own internal angst. If you are feeling overwhelmed in your job search, here are a few ideas to help you make the job seeking process more manageable: 1.  Focus on the jobs that you are qualified for.   Resist the temptation to send out your resume to every job posting that seems like ‘the perfect fit.’   Successful job seeking routines rely less on the quantity of jobs you apply to but

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Professional Associations: Helping Professionals Progress Their Careers

Professional associations are some of the most helpful (but often under used) resources for networking.  There are literally thousands of professional associations representing every different type of industry and profession. A professional association is a group of professionals within a career field who come together for: Individual professional development and advancement Promoting the field as well as educating the public on issues related to the industry Networking and collaborating Sharing new ideas and practices that set standards for the industry and workplace Representing interests of industry before federal, state and local governments To explore and discover the professional association that would fit your goals, visit the American Society of Association Executives at www.asaecenter.org or you can visit their searchable directory to find associations in Colorado

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Administrative Assistants: the hardest working (and most powerful) professionals in the office

Administrative Assistants – the most effective (and powerful) people in the office Gone are the days of the worn-out and painful cliches that used to describe a personal secretary.  In today’s professional world, offices and executives are fighting for and paying big bucks for accomplished Administrative Assistants. An article published today in the Wall Street Journal gives Administrative Assistants their due.  CLICK HERE to read the article.  From Mark Zuckerburg, to Bill Gates to President Obama, today’s Administrative Assistants are an executive’s most capable, relied upon partners. An Administrative Assistant makes sure an executive (and in many cases an entire company) runs efficiently and seamlessly. Often considered a ‘gatekeeper’ to the highest rung of power, Administrative Assistants juggle a myriad of organizational

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