
Credit Score & Credit Repair

Help your military clients keep his or her credit safe.

Fraud and debt are a few of the biggest problems your military clients will face. When you own a credit repair company you will meet a variety of people with varying amounts of credit troubles. One of the biggest groups will be military personnel.  Active military personnel are twice as likely to be victims of identity fraud than any other group. To ensure your military clients walk away with an improved score and more knowledgeable here is some information to keep his or her credit safe. Prevent Identity theft. Your active duty military clients have a high chance of being victims of identity theft. They will have to take extra steps to ensure they have nothing to worry about when they return home. One step your military

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Do You Know How to Handle a Negative Review?

Tips on How to Respond to A Negative Review. Your company is your baby and you would do anything to protect it. The worst feeling in the world is when someone does not feel the same way or even insults your precious baby with a negative review. No company can avoid a negative review. It will inevitably happen no matter what field you are in, even if it is creating clothes for puppies. The best action you can take is to be prepared with a plan of action.  Here is a list of tips to help you handle a negative review. Take a deep breath – When you first see a negative review, you may feel the need to respond right away. While it is important to

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Credit Repair Can be a Tough Time for Clients

Find out how to help emotional clients during credit repair When involved in the credit repair process, people will feel a wide array of emotions. Anger, stress, fear, and depression may make an appearance and you will have to know how to react to each in an appropriate manner. To deal with any of these emotions it is important to stay calm, take a deep breath, and remember not to take it personally. When emotions are highly charged people may not act as reasonably as they normally would and take his or her frustration out on you. Some days will be harder for you than others but you have to remember that you are making a difference in the client’s life and no matter what they feel

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

ThinkGeek’s Parent Company Says A New Suitor Has Followed Hot Topic Into The Bidding Ring

What’s a little retail merger romance without a love triangle thrown in for good measure? After the news yesterday Hot Topic was buying online retailer ThinkGeek’s parent company GeekNet in a deal worth $122 million, the purveyor of sci-fi curiosities and comic book inspirations says another suitor has thrown in a bid to buy it. On Wednesday, Geeknet confirmed that it’d received an unsolicited offer from a strategic buyer that remains nameless, to buy all oustanding common stock for $20 per share in cash. That’s in comparison to the $17.50 per share offer Hot Topic threw down on Tuesday. It’s now up to Geeknet’s board of directors to consult legal teams and financial advisors to mull over this latest proposal.

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Taco Bell Confirms It’s Testing Delivery Near College Campuses Because Obviously

(kenfagerdotcom)When the folks at Taco Bell sat down to think about where they could find a population likely to want fast food Mexican fare delivered to their doorsteps, they likely didn’t have to work that one out for very long. After earlier reports that the chain might be testing delivery, Taco Bell confirms it’s trying things out in certain likely areas, namely college campuses. With dorm room upon dorm room and crappy apartment/house upon crappy apartment/house potentially sheltering hungry, young people who stay up late, places of higher learning seem to be a natural fit for Taco Bell. Heck, we had Taco Bell delivery in college but it was bribing that guy down the hall with beer so he’d run over at 4

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Deals, Coupons & Giveaways

Download the FREE Kraft Kick Off Your Summer Cookbook! #CookingUpSummer

<!– Start Shareaholic LikeButtonSetTop Automatic –><!– End Shareaholic LikeButtonSetTop Automatic –> Download the FREE Kraft Kick Off Your Summer Cookbook Summer is just around the corner, so let Kraft help you plan the perfect celebration with the FREE “Kick Off Your Summer” cookbook! In this cookbook, you’ll find delicious recipes and tips for your picnics, cook-offs, parties and more so you can be known as the “Official Cook of the Summer.” I simply can’t wait to make the Philadelphia Fruit Pizza… Which delicious Kraft recipe will you try first? Disclosure: Sponsored by Lunchbox, all opinions are my own. <!– Start Shareaholic LikeButtonSetBottom Automatic –> <!– End Shareaholic LikeButtonSetBottom Automatic –> Download the FREE Kraft Kick Off Your Summer Cookbook! #CookingUpSummer was first posted on

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Do You Have a Fear of Spending? Here’s How I Managed It…

When I was 19 and on my own for the first time, grocery shopping was always a struggle. Not only was I completely clueless when it came to cooking anything besides spaghetti, but the thought of handing over such a huge chunk of my money at the end of every shopping trip made my stomach churn. I was terrified of spending money and running out of the cash reserves I had, so I would spend days at a time eating whatever I could pull together. Usually these makeshift meals were almost completely void of nutrition. Truth be told, I was worrying for nothing. Not only did I still have some financial support from my parents, but I had a steady job and could more than afford to pay

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

I Lost Control of Money During a Break Up, Don’t Make The Same Mistakes I did

After breaking up with a guy who I had dated for almost 10 years, I immediately went to the mall and spent over $1,000 on new clothing. The next day, I decided that I wanted to learn how to go camping and went to REI to buy over $500 in camping supplies. Retail confession: this was the start of a debt-filled journey to get over my ex. Spending a ton of money on new clothing, new hobbies (along with every accessory for that hobby), and all-girls trips to the spa, fancy restaurants, and the hottest new bars would make me feel better, right? My plan in retail therapy completely backfired months later when I came to the realization that I had racked up thousands of dollars

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

The World’s Sexiest Looking Credit Cards

We all already know what the most exclusive credit cards are: the Amex Centurion and Chase Palladium. Have we ever stopped and wondered who did the best in designing the aesthetic looks of their cards? We’ve examined hundreds of credit cards and compiled a list of the sexiest looking cards. We’re not judging these cards by how exclusive they are, but rather how much effort and time was put into the design. So without further adieu, here are our top picks of the world’s sexiest credit cards.  The Ritz-Carlton Rewards Visa It’s clean. It’s simple. And brings sexy back. The lion and crown logo represents the British royal seal (the crown) and the logo of a financial backer (the lion). This

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Talking About Money With Friends Can Be Difficult, Here’s How You Do it

No one likes a friend who brags about being rich or constantly complains about being broke. The Miss Manners in me never liked to speak about the specifics of my money problems.  After all, we’re all taught that mixing friends and money is never a good idea. But what would change if we were more transparent in everyday conversations about the realities and problems we all face: credit card debt, student loans, paying bills and taxes, saving for retirement, and managing investments? Would friendships really end? Money problems and disputes can end friendships, but the actual cause of money being an uncomfortable topic for discussion is usually buried in emotions attached to how society values people. Perhaps the greatest evil of capitalism is that it makes people

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