travis pizel

Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Sometimes Money Doesn’t Matter

At my house, there’s a lot of talk about getting the most for our money. One of the most repeated phrases I tell my kids and my wife is that we need to be, “selfish with our money.” If we’re going to spend money on something, we need to be absolutely sure we use whatever product or service we’re buying to its fullest capacity. But recently I discovered that I may have either taken my zeal of value a little too far, or I’ve missed a very important part of the lesson. My daughter came home from school complaining of a headache. At her request, I gave her a dose of ibuprofen to help make her feel better. A little while later I reminded her that

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Three Reasons I Need to Reconcile my Checking Account Every Day

A disturbing trend has been taking shape in my home. It could have gone on for quite a while without noticing if my daughter hadn’t asked a very simple question just about a week ago. “Dad, we haven’t paid for Netflix for a while, have we?” We had given our two kids each a free month subscription of Netflix for Christmas last year. When we signed up we also got a month free as part of a holiday promotion. We told our kids that after three months were over, they could decide whether they wanted to keep it or not. But if they kept it, they would have to split the monthly $6.95 subscription fee. She was right; I had not collected their payment since the

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