
Financial & Investment Tips

Pay for Your Honeymoon With Credit Card Rewards

Taking advantage of lucrative credit card sign-up bonuses and putting some of your wedding expenses on those rewards cards can help you earn travel rewards for a dream honeymoon. Photo: Westin Dawn Beach via Facebook More and more newlyweds are putting off their honeymoons. A lot of busy couples reach this decision because of scheduling conflicts, while others simply see no hurry to rush it. But other soon-to-be-married couples are putting off their honeymoons for one reason only: money. In many cases, that’s probably an excellent decision. While it’s certainly possible to have a frugal wedding, the average wedding now costs more than $30,000; it’s a wonder that many couples get to take any kind of honeymoon, let alone a big,

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Have Fun this Summer Without Wrecking Your Budget

Summer is around the corner, and when the temperature starts rising, your expenses usually do the same. The summer season could easily be the death of your budget, but it doesn’t have to be. It is about enjoying life and being able to afford different experiences while still maintaining financial health. You should not have to choose between summer fun and sticking with your budget. It is about moderation and also doing some research. Not everything in life is free, but many things are. And if it is not free, simply start building it into your budget. Everyone needs a budget. You may not like one, but it gives you a track to run on and understand ways to control your financial life.  If you know what

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

12 ways to celebrate Memorial Day this weekend

This article is by staff writer Lisa Aberle. (From time to time, we look into the subject of frugal travel and vacation ideas. Holly Johnson’s post on How to save money on family vacations is one example. This year, we thought it would be fun to find some frugal and interesting ways to celebrate Memorial Day around the country. We’d love you to share your tips for a frugal Memorial Day weekend in the comments!) Memorial Day is when, collectively, we remember the men and women of the armed forces who died while serving our country. Virtually every town and hamlet across the nation has something planned to honor our nation’s heroes, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find some kind

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Traveling to Hawaii? Frugal Food in Honolulu

Some months ago, I asked my audience what they want to see on the blog. There were a few things in particular that caught my attention. They wanted to know how to make more money and money guides. They also wanted to know more about traveling on a dime. Since I don’t talk about travel much, I decided to enlist some other writers that can provide more detail. Today, we are going to talk about the much visited city of Honolulu in Hawaii. If you’re planning a trip, then here’s how you can eat good food for less. Inexpensive Island Food in Honolulu Hawaii is notoriously expensive and, because it’s an island, you can’t always get what you want. That’s why, if you’re visiting

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Best tips for managing money as an expat

This article is by staff writer Ryan Takach. Have you ever considered taking an overseas assignment? Getting to see the world — while earning a steady paycheck and gaining valuable work experience — is a dream for many adventurous workers. Accepting an expatriate assignment was also one of the best career decisions I ever made — but it required some serious financial preparation and thought. If you are pursuing an expat assignment, hopefully you can use my experiences as a helpful guide to keep your cash flow on track. Expat experiences — the short- and long-term varieties There are two basic types of expat packages (both have financial assistance for relocation, housing, taxes, and other incidental expenses): Short-term assignments, between six months and two years,

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