toddler craft

Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Mother’s Day 2015 Toddler Craft

Writing at this blog has been transformative for me. Just one of the many, many changes has been in regard to gift-giving. Prior to writing here I would always send some type of (usually $$$) gift for Mother’s Day to all the important women in my life. I am fortunate to have many: My mom, 2 living grandmothers on my side, hubs’ mom, and one grandma on his side. That’s FIVE people to whom we’d send gifts every Mother’s Day. Generally I’d spend about $50/person. I remember shipping Bath and Body Works gift packages one year. I did a chocolate-of-the-month gift one year. I’ve done gift cards to restaurants. You get the picture. This holiday was pricey for me. But it doesn’t have

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