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Daniel Cid Interview – Defending 250,000 Websites From Hackers Every Month

Daniel Cid has spent well over a decade securing people’s websites, so they don’t have to. The Founder/CTO of Sucuri specializes in intrusion detection, log analysis (log-based intrusion detection), web-based malware research and secure development. He’s known for creating the free open sourced OSSEC HIDS (Intrusion detection system) and founding Sucuri. He’s also the co-writer of the Host-Based Intrusion Detection book. Here’s Why You Should Listen to Daniel: Sucuri defends against 33M+ monthly attacks. Protects more than 250k+ of his clients websites per month. He’s fixed several security holes for IncomeDiary and monitors our sites. What are the most common rookie mistakes website owners make when it comes to keeping their sites secure? The most common

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