success story

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Josh’s Fan Page Funnel Case Study – $100,000 in Sales in 7 Months

Before Fan Page Funnel 2 Products: When Josh Dunlop first came to us, he was running a small photography blog and trying to make a little money on the side with it. You’ve probably been there, or are there now, you’ve got 2 products, they cost around $100 bucks each, maybe $97.00, we like that number here, you blog a bit, post things to social media, and read a couple of blogs about making money online. The big problem here is that that is far from sustainable, you and Josh still need your day jobs, you labor over your side projects when you’re supposed to be eating lunch and dinner. It’s just not there yet. Trying to relaunch: What Josh did next is what a lot of people do

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