
Financial & Investment Tips

5 Reasons Why You Need a Budget!

If I asked you to tell me how much you spend eating out or buying gas each month, could you tell me? What about your household’s true cost of living? This is the most basic reason you need a budget: To be able to plan and track where your money goes! Most people who I speak to about their finances have no clue how much they spend on a monthly basis. All they know is that by the end of the month, their bank accounts are nearly empty and they are waiting for their next paycheck. Even if you don’t find yourself scraping together pennies at the end of the month, you still need to have a budget in place. In order to take control

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Wants Vs. Needs – How We Rationalize Spending

This age old debate is a mental and emotional struggle that everyone deals with.  Some deal with it better than others, but there are some that allow it to completely consume them.  Anyone that is trying to get out of debt must get a grip on this debate and find a common ground.  Wants versus needs will always play a role in our purchasing, but we have to learn how to control them in order to make better decisions.  If you are currently looking into starting a debt reduction plan or are on one, then this is something that is very important to learn. Well, figuring out the difference between the two is important for anyone who wants to use their money wisely. Emotional buyers are the

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