social media

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

15 Social Media Mistakes that are Strangling Your Success

The post 15 Social Media Mistakes that are Strangling Your Success appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash While it’s not new, I’m often surprised by the way bloggers use—and mis-use—social media. Each of us has our own blogging journey, and we use different tools in our own unique ways. Yet there are still quite a few very common errors that I continue to see bloggers making as they work with social media. These mistakes have the potential to make your social media experience a struggle—if not put you off it completely. But if you persist with them over time, they have the potential to do significant harm to your brand and your blog. Think about it: social media is a very

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Can Debt Collectors Contact You via Social Media?

.Fantastic strategies to preempt unwanted calls or other communication from collectors:By Susan Johnston The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) was designed to protect consumers against abusive practices by the debt collections industry. But when FDCPA took effect in 1978, few people could have anticipated how Facebook and Twitter would infiltrate our daily lives. In recent years, a handful of lawsuits by consumers who were allegedly contacted by collectors through social media have brought the issue to light.One strategy collections agencies use, according to Michelle Dunn, a 24-year veteran of the debt-collection industry and author of The Guide to Getting Paid, is to set up a fake profile and try to friend someone (however, a few states have laws against online impersonation). “If you look

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