small business

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

ERP Accounting Software: Preventing Fraud

Fraud costs companies millions of dollars every year.  However, for most accountants and auditors, catching or preventing fraud is not the focus of their job. We look at what’s involved, and what potential solutions may be available to help tackle the problem.   In a recent report, auditors were found to have detected only 4{7dabfd103aa443fce219eea47f0f346a11a54ce587a1a0cbb74f06b9f7a304ca} of occupational frauds committed,  and it is not difficult to understand why.  Consider the level of attention to detail managing and keeping tabs on such a wealth of numerical data requires. To then mine said data for suspicious activity is an incredibly complex task, and it does not end with the data.     A needle in a haystack  Source  It goes without saying that there is more than one way to commit fraud. Accountants

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

5 Things Your Small Business Should Outsource as it Grows

If you’re like many small business owners, you were the only employee who clocked in on opening day! Startup entrepreneurs often have to handle every aspect of running a business on their own. However, as sales grow, the time you spend being the chief marketing officer, head accountant, and supply chain manager starts to take away from the time you can spend on delivering great results for customers. Especially when your business scales up quickly, dividing your attention between too many tasks can impede your growth. With a little more capital, now’s the time to find ways to outsource some of your efforts and refocus on your company’s core competencies. Read on to learn the five best operations for small businesses to outsource. 1. Content and Organic Social

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Why is ProOpinion Good for Individuals Starting A Business

Has there been a time where you have to do such extensive research for your business that it ended up being exhausted and jaded? Don’t you wish that everything that you need for your business were grouped under one umbrella so you will be able to find it at a click of a button? There are many knowledge-based website hosted by leading business schools or high profile companies, but it still mean you have to go to several websites to look for the right thing that you want. And not mention the cross-checking and cross-referencing that you have to do to make sure that your information is legitimate and usable. is an online community with people with the same goal – driven by

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Financial & Investment Tips

Advice I Wish I Knew When I Started My First Business

I’d like to share some important tips when starting a small business inspired by the Office Depot Business Solutions Center as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #GearLove. I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, I didn’t have much of an interest in becoming a business owner. I was way too involved in everything sports  and I probably invested a little more than I should have in baseball cards – dang, Jose Canseco! My childhood was focused on the here and now. I mean, come on, when was the last time you asked a kid what they’re interested in and they replied: “I’d like to build a business from scratch, write articles for major publications, and

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