saving money

Credit Score & Credit Repair

Six Categories Where Saving Can be Maximized

Opportunities for Saving money is everywhere. Whenever you pay for a good or service, thee is an opportunity to save. Using coupons, discounts, bargaining, deferring buying decision, etc. can be used almost every time you pay. But saving money when there’s little or no possibility can be sometimes taxing for people around you.They may not like the idea of you bargaining everywhere you go out for shopping or asking for discounts. also saving money works best when you do budget for some fun. While having fun while you save, it’s perhaps wise to think about putting your best effort towards the spending category that can result in maximum saves. Trying to save money on your coffee may not bring the best result as saving

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Cheap Mother-in-law Birthday Gift

In keeping with the cheap gift ideas of late, here’s another one to add to the mix. My mother-in-law’s birthday was last Thursday. She’s actually flying into town today for the long weekend (yay!), so we’ll be taking her out to dinner one night while she’s here. But we also wanted to do something on her actual birthday, so I had the girls make another super cheap craft that we mailed to her last week. This was actually an idea I saw when I was in Michael’s craft store for something totally unrelated. This was right before Mother’s Day and they had a whole display of crafts for kids to do for/with their Moms. One of

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Cash in on Old Cell Phones

If you have old cell phones and accessories lying around your house, you might be able to sell them for cash. There are many people out there who cannot afford a new phone, but would love to have a used cell phone at a discounted price. It would be a win-win situation. In cleaning drawers recently, I discovered 4 old cell phones; so, I decided to look into selling them. How to get started and how much were my cell phones worth on the market were two of the questions I needed answers for. To begin with, to get a sense of the market, I looked up the prices I might get for a used IPhone and Samsung phone at several of the bigger buyback services. I

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