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How to Save Money on Date Night

Whether you have younger or older kids, it’s important for your marriage to get some time together as a couple to connect.  But, let’s face it…date nights can be expensive (especially if you have to pay a babysitter on top of dinner!). Here are some tips to help you save money on date night: Stay home for a romantic evening.  If you have younger kids and just don’t have money for a babysitter, put the kids to bed early and plan a special evening for just the two of you.  You can pick up dinner from a restaurant and bring it home or create a special dinner at home complete with candlesticks on the table. Trade babysitting with another family.  If you

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

5 Ways to Squeeze More Out of Your Budget

If you’re serious about digging your way out of debt, then you absolutely need to budget your monthly expenses. Once you have a budget set up, then it’s all about how you can squeeze more out of your budget so that you can throw more and more money at those debts to ultimately become debt free! While you might think that you aren’t spending that much money from month to month, chances are that your monthly bills could be a lot lower if you would just look at them and question whether or not they could be cheaper.My Budget ReviewThis is exactly what I did when I was striving to pay off my house. I knew that in order to pull off my

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Deals, Coupons & Giveaways

Create a Summer Bucket List

Today is my kids’ last day of school.  The 3 months of summer vacation looms ahead.  I usually have grand plans in my head of all the fun we’re going to have.  But quickly it’s time to start school again, and I wonder where the time went! To make sure that each person in our family has a great summer, I like to create a bucket list before the summer begins.  Each person writes down a few must-do activities and then some additional want-to-do activities.  Then, I consolidate the lists and compile our family summer bucket list. I don’t like to have every second of my days scheduled and planned, so I plan to do 1 or 2 activities each week (and add them

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