
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How Much Do You Need to Retire?

Many times when planning for retirement people focus on maximizing contributions. It’s often assumed that by doing so everything about retirement will fall into place. That may be so, but how do you know if you’re succeeding until you’ve defined your target? When it comes to retirement, the target❠is a credible income number, as in how much will you need to live the life you want to live, taking into account your expected living expenses, sources of income, and the effect inflation will have on it. You can do that by going through some steps. Figure out how much income you’ll need in retirement To keep the calculations simple, many financial planners advise using a simple method, such as 80{6f482cd57796f86e9ad1be82bcf1dcf19049bb2b279893497447a8f8ed9023fd} of pre-

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Never make Excuses!

Excuses avoids responsibility! When you fail, do you make excuses?  Do you take responsibility for your actions or blame others?  What is your excuse for poor performance?  Excuses keep you from looking at the real problem!  Excuses will make you give up!  Do you start out with good intentions and tolerate poor results? No one ever excused his way to success. (Dave Del Dotto) Why? Background I wrote an article about successful and unsuccessful people which states successful people make no excuses and unsuccessful people blame others for their misfortune.  Taking responsibility for your actions will help you achieve success.  Blaming others is a much easier answer even if it does not solve the problem.  Is this a learned response?  It gives the appearance of relieving the

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Financial & Investment Tips

The One-Page Financial Plan Book Review

The One-Page Financial Plan Book Review is a post from: Faithful With A Few. If you enjoy it, please subscribe to the Feed.I enjoy learning and discussing personal finance. The day-to-day things like budgeting, credit decisions, debt repayment. Where I start to get a bit intimidated is matters of investing. So, I admit, when I learned that The One-Page Financial Plan was written by financial planner, Carl Richards, I was a bit apprehensive about reading it.Once people start talking stocks, bonds, derivatives (blah blah blah), I totally shut down, and I had no clue how to avoid the ‘shut down’ when I have to review the book!I think I spent a few days just poking it with a stick.

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Ask the Readers: Are you planning to care for an aging parent?

This article is by editor Linda Vergon. A few weeks ago, I got an unexpected invitation to lunch from my husband. His afternoon meetings had been rescheduled and he was coming home early. We went to a little Subway store in a shopping center near my office. The patio area in back has a beautiful view of the picturesque homes on the large canal by the bay, and it’s perfect to just talk and enjoy your meal while you soak up some sun. Not long after we sat down, I noticed three little sailboats making their way up the channel. Now, this interests me because I spent much of my childhood and teen years sailing with my family. I watched them progress, tacking back and forth, and

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Financial & Investment Tips

5 Things To Do With A Windfall

5 Things To Do With A Windfall is a post from: Faithful With A Few. If you enjoy it, please subscribe to the Feed.Even though tax season has come and gone for some, many people are still facing the prospect of getting a lump sum of money in the near future. Events such as graduations, birthdays, and unfortunately, deaths can lead to one getting their hands on a decent amount of money at one time.Here are 5 great ways to put those windfalls to use…Pay Off High Interest DebtI think this one is at the top of my list because we, like many Americans, are dealing with a great deal of debt (just a hair under $90k at our last update).If your debt carries

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