
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How To Build Great Relationships With Bloggers

Bloggers are a great way to promote your product or service. But if you want bloggers to talk positively about your brand, you need to build a strong relationship with them. Many marketers don’t understand this. They think bloggers are journalists. They’re not. Press releases and conferences don’t work with bloggers – most don’t pay attention to these, and many who do listen feel manipulated by them. Look For Long-Term Relationships Don’t try to create a one-time quick hit with bloggers. If you think you can talk to a blogger once and get a glowing review, think again. Just like any relationship, connecting with bloggers takes real effort if you want good results. They are much more likely to support your brand if you develop

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Ask the Readers: How are you leveraging personal relationships?

This article is by staff writer Honey Smith. I recently started a new job; and while I didn’t know anyone at the company prior to applying, that doesn’t mean that everything was one giant coincidence. A few years ago, one of my grad school friends mentioned that he was doing freelance SEO (search engine optimization) work for attorneys. Curious, I asked him to teach me. His response was to conference me in on a client call and have me start producing content immediately. Where curiosity leads That tiny side gig (I think he paid me a hundred bucks) led to introductions to additional clients, and before I knew it, I was averaging a thousand dollars a month in addition to my day job. During that

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Ask the Readers: What is your best budget-friendly tip for Mother’s Day gifts?

This article is by editor Linda Vergon. A mother’s love is more precious than gold, but you don’t need to spend a mint to make Mother’s Day special for her. In some ways, your lack of funds could actually help you make her day more meaningful. When it comes down to it, most moms prize the time they can spend with their children more than anything. So if you don’t have the funds to take mom out for Sunday brunch, a Broadway play, or a trip to Nordstrom’s, it may just be a good thing. Maybe you can’t escape the realities of your budget right now, but here are some ways to tell her you care even if your wallet is a little weak. If you live

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

How to deal with expensive friends

This article is by staff writer Holly Johnson. No matter what I do to prevent it, spring budget creep always seems to take hold this time of year. Sometimes it seems as if the dollars start flying out the door the second the temperature starts to rise. And although I budget for all of our known expenses, the extra expenditures still add up — and hurt. Part of our creep is a product of spring clean-up — mulch, new plants and flowers, and vegetable garden start-up. But the rest? It’s all social — neighbors inviting us over for cookouts, dinners out and card parties. Warm weather stuff. Still, as much as it pains me to beef up our entertainment budget in warmer months, there

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How Our Marriage Survived Escrow

Putting the tree up in our new home! I alluded in my last post that the escrow process can be stressful. I think this is partly largely due to my Type A personality, especially when it comes to finances. I also have a really hard time with change and uncertainty. Even if it’s change that I’m looking forward to (like buying a house!), it makes me very uneasy to not have any control over when things happen, like having no control over when escrow closes. I also felt like I was cut out of the process because the realtor communicated mostly through Eric, which was largely our fault because I had Eric act as my messenger and asked any questions through him. This was really bad

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