Real Estate

Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes As a Homebuyer

Buying a house has long been considered an essential element of the American Dream. It’s a rite of passage for many and is often the largest purchase any of us will ever make. Thanks in part to historically low interest rates, more people are buying homes today. There are many things that go into buying a home that can be easy to overlook in the excitement of home shopping. In fact, one of the worst financial mistakes you can make is getting into a house that’s not right for you. If you’re in the market for a house this year, make sure you aren’t guilty of making one of the following mistakes before signing the dotted line. Going Over Budget A budget might be the last

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Financial & Investment Tips

10 Tips for First-Time Home Buyers

In the summer of 2007, my wife and I purchased our first home. As a first-time home buyer, I knew we needed to spend a considerable amount of time researching our purchase. So that’s exactly what we did – we read as much as we could, educated ourselves on the local real estate market, and explored every aspect of the home buying process. But even then, we still made a few rookie mistakes. Of course, it’s easy to see that now – after the fact. You know how the saying goes: “Hindsight is 20/20.” Although we are still happy with our purchase overall, there are definitely a few things I wish we would have done differently. Valuable Lessons for First-Time Home Buyers But you live

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Why I’d Rather Pay $10,000 to Unload My House Than Become a Landlord

There are people out there who are made to be landlords. They like the idea of having someone else pay the mortgage on a home or apartment building and enjoying the ability to build equity on the property without using their own money. Once the property is paid off, the monthly rent is income (offset by the cost of taxes, insurance, and keeping the property up). I totally get why some people love the idea of getting into real estate and renting out property. I even get why many people who, upon moving, decide that they would rather rent out the old home than sell it. I am not one of those people. I am getting ready to move across the country, and my husband and I

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