
Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Do You Believe in Psychics?: My Experience with Psychic Source

My first experience with a psychic was getting my palm read at a local fair. Everything the fortune teller told me was spot on, and I left thinking “she knew me so well!” The next year, I went to the same fortune teller and heard the exact same spiel. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. I kind of gave up beliefs on psychics after that but would occasionally get sucked back in by shows like “Long Island Medium” and through co-workers who were into tarot card reading. When I was contacted by Psychic Source about doing a free reading, I was definitely interested. I set up my appointment, called in, and waiting for my reading to begin. Deanna described herself as a Tarot

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Get Off the 50 Shades-Bashing Wagon

Let me start by saying that I never finished the book, even though it was a book club selection, because I just couldn’t get through it, I found the writing that bad. And I read the whole Twilight series so my expectations of decent reading material are pretty low. Also? The main character really annoyed me. I consider myself a pretty strong assertive female, and the mouse-y type anti-heroine just wasn’t doing it for me. That aside—I have been really bothered by the backlash on 50 Shades and I couldn’t quite place my finger on it until I came across this post on Facebook (because few things anger me more than a status update that I disagree with, amirite?)   My response is the last one,

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