
Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

A little good news

I feel like lately I’m all “fight, grind, repeat.” (quote credit: Bobby Bones). Sure I’ve had some times out last month, but to be 100{7dabfd103aa443fce219eea47f0f346a11a54ce587a1a0cbb74f06b9f7a304ca} honest and open, they aren’t events I would have chosen to group together into a single month for spending purposes. In choosing how to spend that money I would have preferred, for instance, a date night out with the hubs. And in spite of these times out, I have maintained a pretty steadfast focus on chipping away at my debt. Slow and steady, slow and steady, slow and steady. It’s like a mantra that keeps playing in my head. It was so much easier last year when our income started to sky rocket during the summer. We had two months where

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

The Top 5 Ways to Guarantee You’ll Get a Raise this Year

After nearly a decade of a less than-optimistic employment market, things appear to be looking up. The unemployment rate is slowly, but steadily, declining. More people feel confident looking for a job in the past, and fewer people are worried about being laid off. In fact, about 30 percent of workers are so optimistic about their job prospects that they would be willing to leave their current positions if they do not receive a raise this year. Even just a few years ago, automatic annual raises, even just cost of living increases, were the norm. Unfortunately, however, one of the byproducts of the Great Recession has been a decrease in the number of companies giving automatic annual raises. While many employers would like to pay more, budgets

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