
Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Woman Hospitalized After Bite From Black Widow Spider Hiding In Grapes From The Supermarket

(frankieleon)Just because we’ve heard of people finding black widow spiders in their grapes doesn’t make it any less icky this time around: A Vermont woman was reportedly hospitalized after a stowaway arachnid hiding in her produce bit her. The woman bought the grapes at a Shaw’s supermarket in Massachusetts, reports WPTZ. Her mother says that when she reached her hand into the bag of fruit, the spider crawled up her daughter’s arm and took a bite. They were able to catch the spider, bringing it along with them to the hospital. A nurse confirmed to WPTZ that the spider had been identified correctly. A representative from Shaw’s Public Affairs office issued a statement regarding the incident, saying that the the health and

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