
Financial & Investment Tips

This Mom Created a 5-Figure eBay Business in Her Spare Time

Over the last decade, motivated individuals have invented plenty of creative ways to make money on the internet. One of the most popular strategies involves the online auction site, eBay. All over the web, you can find countless examples of people who have used eBay to build fortunes and even long-term sustainable businesses.   Many people even use eBay as a platform to create a full-time job that lets them quit their day jobs, once and for all. I recently had the opportunity to interview one such woman. Julia is a wife and mom who created a five figure eBay business working in her spare time. She provided incredible insight that could prove valuable to anyone who hopes to go down the same path, and she

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Financial & Investment Tips

GF¢ 050: 5 Reasons Why You Should Never Buy a Variable Annuity

Breathe in.  Smell that? It’s the stench of a variable annuity. If you just threw up a little bit in your mouth, I don’t blame you. If you didn’t, you probably don’t know enough about variable annuities. What’s a variable annuity? It’s a contract between an owner and an issuer whereby the owner agrees to give the issuer principal, and in return, the issuer guarantees the owner variable payments over time. Sounds innocent enough, but are they? Variable annuities are one of those products of which I can pretty much make a blanket statement and say they’re horrible. “Why are they horrible, Jeff?” I thought you’d never ask. Let me count the ways! 1. You’ll Pay High

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Financial & Investment Tips

GF¢ 049: From Broke at 37 to Self-Made Millionaire

Broke at 37. Self-made millionaire. Frugal, Author of Filling the Glass: The Skeptic’s Guide to Positive Thinking in Business. Semi-retiree by choice (“it’s incredibly difficult to turn off the moneymaking machine” ). Barry Maher is living life and loving it. Here’s some words from Barry himself: I’m semi-retired and loving it! Through saving and investing, a lot of hard work and more than a little luck, I’m able to afford to retire completely. But why should I, when as a speaker I’ve got the kind of part time job that many people only dream of having: traveling all over the country, all over the world, staying at great locations and meeting fascinating people. People who not only hang

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