
Financial & Investment Tips

The $6 tip that made me rethink my approach

Last weekend I decided to take Linda on a mother’s day trip to Nashville for the weekend. She has proved to be an awesome mother to our baby boy for the last 15 months and she deserved a little trip away. On the morning we were set to come back home, we began packing up. As I pulled out my wallet to leave a tip for the cleaning lady I flipped through the cash and saw that I had $46 (two $20s and six $1s). I opted for the $6 and left it on the pillow. We finished packing up our stuff and made our way into the hallway. As we did, the cleaning lady was standing right there. She was probably in her mid

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Financial & Investment Tips

15 Kitchen Tips & Tricks that would Make MacGyver Proud

MacGyver. Remember him? If you watched television in the later 80’s and into the early 90’s, you’ll know exactly who I am speaking of. He always had some trick up his sleeve and a way to solve nearly everything problem and he knew how to get out of every situation. Even life or death situations. He just always had THE solution. My kitchen can be a battle ground some days, but I’ve found some tips and tricks that I think would make him proud. Thanks to Pinterest, I have found numerous little things that I could do to solve issues in my kitchen, save time and aggravation. Check out 15 Kitchen Tips below as I pass on my MacGyver like tricks for you  to

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Financial & Investment Tips

What’s Your Financial Personality?

Ever notice how finances can affect you emotionally? I’ve known people who hate the idea of spending their money altogether and some people who don’t know how to make a budget at all. What if there was a scale that you could use to classify your financial personality? Yes, I can see it now. Instead of making up a boring answer when your financial planner asks how things are going, you can simply select your personality from the chart and they’ll know exactly what to do to help. Unrealistic? Maybe so, but you might relate to a few of these: The Spending Freeze You’re the type of person who tries to avoid spending at all costs. You like to watch your savings grow and the thought

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Financial & Investment Tips

The Ultimate Bundle: Over 75 books worth $1,000+ for just $29

I am excited to be partnering on the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle for the next few days.  It really is an amazing collection of eBooks, courses, printables, and a lot more that you can pick up for $29. There are so many great books from Best-Selling authors, bloggers with millions of followers, and true experts in a variety of topics. Click here to see all the books/courses/printables included! The bundle was designed to help you nurture the beauty and productivity in your home and family relationships with proven, simple, and effective tools that really give you a boost as a homemaker – help, inspiration, tips, encouragement, resources at your fingertips… It is a complete library of carefully selected eBooks, eCourses, audios, online conferences, and printable

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Financial & Investment Tips

Financial – and Life – Lessons from 40 Years of Marriage

As I bask in the celebration of our recent 40th wedding anniversary, complete with surprise readings from each child, child-in-law and grandchild, I can see some great personal finance applications of the principles Jan and I used raising our four children. My quandary is that in order to share the financial lessons, I am obligated to share what our kids had to say in their readings. I therefore ask myself, “Is this more about boasting on what great kids we have or helping my readers with their finances?” I will let you be the judge. Our Grandchildren (Ages 8 and 10) I love you because you teach us to sew. Application: One can’t learn too many skills in life. I love you because you take

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Financial & Investment Tips

10 Frugal Landscaping Ideas to make Your Yard Amazing

So, I’m starting to research frugal landscaping ideas to make my yard amazing this Spring. Bloggers have so many fab ideas! There are so many back yard projects, curb appeal DIYs that it’s hard to narrow down what will not only look best for my home, but also won’t hurt my wallet too much! I would like to share with you some of these creative and inexpensive landscaping ideas with you. Below, I’m sharing my top ten finds! Enjoy! Plant Perennials by Sunset Before You Mulch by Rosemary on the TV DIY Wheelbarrow Planter by Cottage Life Pallet Picket Fence by Driftwood Gardens DIY Patio by Mommy in the Mountains Add a Slate Walkway by Young House Love DIY Stepping Stones by Intimate

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