
Deals, Coupons & Giveaways

Bestow: Affordable Online Life Insurance Option!

If you’re looking for an affordable life insurance option, be sure to check out Bestow’s completely online application! If you’re looking for a really simple way to apply for term life insurance without all the hassle of doctor’s visits, medical tests, labs, or home health screening, you might want to check out Bestow! Bestow specializes in offering term life insurance policies with a completely 100{6f482cd57796f86e9ad1be82bcf1dcf19049bb2b279893497447a8f8ed9023fd} online application process — no exceptions! And they have affordable options starting as low as $10/month. To get started, you can go HERE to see if you qualify and get a free quote really quickly. If you want to apply after receiving your free quote, you’ll just fill out some health history information to see if

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Using A 401k Loan To Pay Off Credit Cards (Hint: Don’t Do It!)

If you have quite a bit of high-interest debt, you may be looking into ways to pay it off faster. But if you’re considering using a 401k loan to pay off credit cards, you should know a few things first (plus why we don’t recommend you do it!). Related: FREE Credit Card Payoff Spreadsheet (Get Out of Debt in 2022!!) Can I take a loan out of my 401k to pay off my credit card debt? Technically, yes. Many different 401(k) plans allow you to borrow against your retirement savings. One of the benefits to many people is that it’s a low-interest loan option and will make it easier to pay it back vs. high-interest credit cards. Related: When Can

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

9 Best Home Investments (That Pay Off BIG When You Sell!)

There’s plenty of great advice about how to add value to your home, especially if you’re looking to make some money from those home improvements. But what if you don’t plan to sell your home but want to save money? If that applies to you, there are some home improvements that could save you a lot of money over time. Here are the nine best home investments, whether you sell or not! Related: How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in 5 Years (Robust Calculator Offer!) What adds the most value to a home? Would you be surprised to know that the project that adds the most value to a home is building an inground pool? Yep! It used to be that a pool almost detracted from

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Where to Invest Your Money

The stock market was down nearly 40{7dabfd103aa443fce219eea47f0f346a11a54ce587a1a0cbb74f06b9f7a304ca} in early 2020. I bought as much as I could at the bottom, but now we’re already back to the top again. With all the uncertainty, the stock market just doesn’t seem like the best place to invest anymore. So, as we head into a new year, I’ve got the same question that the rest of you probably have…Where to invest your money in 2021! The Disclaimer… I’m a financial analyst by day and a personal finance blogger by night. I’ve been in and around the finance arena for over a decade. The actions and thoughts below are my own and actually stem from conversations I’ve had with many other millionaires. However, I am not

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Trick Yourself Into Avoiding the Top Investor Mistake

When it comes to investments, we all know that we’re supposed to buy low and sell high. Remember how Derek was able to flip a truck on Craigslist in two months? The extra $1,350 certainly helped him achieve his goal of paying off his mortgage last year. But, many of us try to do the same with our investments in the stock market…and we’re terrible at it. Instead, we make the top investor mistake. We buy high, and we sell low.In 2012, investors pulled out $93,677 BILLION dollars out of the U.S. equity market. The return in 2013? 35.04{7dabfd103aa443fce219eea47f0f346a11a54ce587a1a0cbb74f06b9f7a304ca}. That’s a huge opportunity lost right there.Investors regularly make less money than the mutual funds they invest in. They might buy the right investments, but

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

5 Ways to Squeeze More Out of Your Budget

If you’re serious about digging your way out of debt, then you absolutely need to budget your monthly expenses. Once you have a budget set up, then it’s all about how you can squeeze more out of your budget so that you can throw more and more money at those debts to ultimately become debt free! While you might think that you aren’t spending that much money from month to month, chances are that your monthly bills could be a lot lower if you would just look at them and question whether or not they could be cheaper.My Budget ReviewThis is exactly what I did when I was striving to pay off my house. I knew that in order to pull off my

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Becoming Wealthy or Being Cheap? Or Both?

Are you taking actions toward becoming wealthy or are you actually just being cheap, likely never to get truly wealthy? And what’s the real difference? As Ramit Sethi often talks about on his blog, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, cutting out a few expenses is not going to dramatically change your financial future. In fact, if you ordered a tall latte every day before work for a year, it would cost you about $1,000. That sounds like a lot of money, but what if, during that same year, you started a side business that generated an additional $10,000 in profits?As my nifty graph shows above, the difference maker was not those negative lattes, it was the positive business income. Becoming wealthy is often

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

What is Forex Trading? What Are the Pros and Cons?

Have you ever heard of Forex trading before? It goes by other names as well: FX trading, foreign exchange trading, or just plain currency trading. At its most basic form, Forex trading is simply trading one currency against another in the hopes that your purchased currency will become stronger, meaning that you can purchase more goods (or another currency) with the money.So let’s say that you thought the United States’ Dollar was going to become weaker when compared to the Euro. To take action on this hunch, all you would have to do is hop onto a foreign exchange trading site and purchase a number of Euros. Then, you would just sit back and wait to see what the exchange became between the two currencies. If

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Have Fun this Summer Without Wrecking Your Budget

Summer is around the corner, and when the temperature starts rising, your expenses usually do the same. The summer season could easily be the death of your budget, but it doesn’t have to be. It is about enjoying life and being able to afford different experiences while still maintaining financial health. You should not have to choose between summer fun and sticking with your budget. It is about moderation and also doing some research. Not everything in life is free, but many things are. And if it is not free, simply start building it into your budget. Everyone needs a budget. You may not like one, but it gives you a track to run on and understand ways to control your financial life.  If you know what

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Earn Cash Money Online By Selling Clothes

If you are searching for a fun, creative, and legitimate way to earn cash money online, simply sell clothes! We all know that the acquisition of money is one of the most challenging, yet highly desired, tasks of all time. If you are reading this guide in an effort to learn how to get free money online, chances are, you have a regular job; however, the funds that you receive from that job are either too low to meet all of your financial obligations or not enough to get you where you dream of being in life. You are not alone. Millions of people, worldwide, suffer from money challenges, despite the fact that there is more than enough money to go around. The secret is simply knowing

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

They Call It “Personal” Finance For A Reason

I recently wrote an article for Debt Roundup in which I questioned the wisdom of paying off your mortgage early and it generated a number of thoughtful comments by readers on both sides of the argument. Some people recognize that mortgage rates are at historic lows and they would rather put their money elsewhere in the hopes of gaining a better return on their investment. If your mortgage interest rate is only four percent and you can earn ten percent in the stock market you will be more than doubling your rate of return. On the other hand, others were quick to point out that investing in the stock market does not guarantee profits and you could just as easily lose money.  Paying down your mortgage balance

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