Make Money

Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Becoming Wealthy or Being Cheap? Or Both?

Are you taking actions toward becoming wealthy or are you actually just being cheap, likely never to get truly wealthy? And what’s the real difference? As Ramit Sethi often talks about on his blog, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, cutting out a few expenses is not going to dramatically change your financial future. In fact, if you ordered a tall latte every day before work for a year, it would cost you about $1,000. That sounds like a lot of money, but what if, during that same year, you started a side business that generated an additional $10,000 in profits?As my nifty graph shows above, the difference maker was not those negative lattes, it was the positive business income. Becoming wealthy is often

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Financial & Investment Tips

This Mom Created a 5-Figure eBay Business in Her Spare Time

Over the last decade, motivated individuals have invented plenty of creative ways to make money on the internet. One of the most popular strategies involves the online auction site, eBay. All over the web, you can find countless examples of people who have used eBay to build fortunes and even long-term sustainable businesses.   Many people even use eBay as a platform to create a full-time job that lets them quit their day jobs, once and for all. I recently had the opportunity to interview one such woman. Julia is a wife and mom who created a five figure eBay business working in her spare time. She provided incredible insight that could prove valuable to anyone who hopes to go down the same path, and she

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

4 Reasons a Healthcare Informatics Career Is a Profitable Career

Most of us will reach that point in our career when we want — or even need — a change. Maybe you are already at that point. You may even seek to pursue a lifelong dream of a healthcare career. If you are looking for a profitable career change, one that can offer a variety of possibilities, then check out these four reasons to consider a healthcare informatics career.Healthcare Informatics- The Field Is GrowingThe Affordable Care Act mandates paperless medical records by 2015. Because of this, healthcare providers desperately need personnel to place the records online and administer them, not to mention maintain the systems that hold these records. Additionally, healthcare providers’ systems must be able to effectively communicate with insurance companies’ systems to make sure that

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