kimberly johns

Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Prepping for the Holidays on a Debt Management Plan

We are about to enter THE HOLIDAY SEASON! For some of us, just the thought of the upcoming holiday season can send us into a deep, dark funk. Money is already tight, the budget is stretched to the limit and we feel more like the Grinch who stole Christmas rather than Jolly Old St. Nicholas. This is not a time of enjoyment for us but we participate anyway. I’m sure you have either seen or heard of the TV series, Doomsday Preppers. The series is devoted to showing us how to get ready for nearly any world shaking disaster by stashing away food, water, clothing, gasoline, guns and ammunition and how to ready our home or a “bug out” spot so that we can make it through

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Cash in on Old Cell Phones

If you have old cell phones and accessories lying around your house, you might be able to sell them for cash. There are many people out there who cannot afford a new phone, but would love to have a used cell phone at a discounted price. It would be a win-win situation. In cleaning drawers recently, I discovered 4 old cell phones; so, I decided to look into selling them. How to get started and how much were my cell phones worth on the market were two of the questions I needed answers for. To begin with, to get a sense of the market, I looked up the prices I might get for a used IPhone and Samsung phone at several of the bigger buyback services. I

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

How to Make Money Without Actually Spending Money

I’m going to share with you how my husband and I make money without actually spending money, or very little money. We call it “junking” and you can make as much or as little as you want. All you need to get started junking is a good eye for items that can be repurposed or brought back to their former life and then sold for a profit. So how does junking work? Well, the items you select need to have good “bones”; or, in other words the items are not pieces of junk that are falling apart. We like to work with furniture so we make sure the legs and arms are strong and the main frame of the piece is still in good condition. Look for

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Frugal but Healthy Home Remedies from Grandma’s Time

As we move into October, I started thinking about winter and some of the unpleasant things it brings our way. Things that we don’t seem to have much control over; such as catching a cold or, even worse, the flu. I usually spend at least half the winter coughing and no known over-the-counter prescription seems to bring about a cure. Then, there’s the dreaded “congestion”; when you actually pray for just one good breath. In a time of soaring health care costs – when a single trip to the doctor’s office can cost hundreds of dollars and a visit to the hospital emergency room can balloon into thousands – it is comforting to know that there are many everyday health problems that you can safely and successfully

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