Kids and Money

Financial & Investment Tips

How To Teach Your Kids About Money

How To Teach Your Kids About Money is a post from: Faithful With A Few. If you enjoy it, please subscribe to the Feed.Teaching kids about money can feel overwhelming since it can be such an emotional topic. But, starting early is a great way to ensure that your little ones get a head start on a healthy financial future.If you are stuck on ways to teach your kids about money, Low Income Financial Help has provided a few simple ideas to jog your creative juices:Ages 4-7Kids this young can learn about money. Keep it simple – For example, help them understand that when they want a toy or a snack from the store, it costs money. Help them learn about the importance of

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Sometimes Money Doesn’t Matter

At my house, there’s a lot of talk about getting the most for our money. One of the most repeated phrases I tell my kids and my wife is that we need to be, “selfish with our money.” If we’re going to spend money on something, we need to be absolutely sure we use whatever product or service we’re buying to its fullest capacity. But recently I discovered that I may have either taken my zeal of value a little too far, or I’ve missed a very important part of the lesson. My daughter came home from school complaining of a headache. At her request, I gave her a dose of ibuprofen to help make her feel better. A little while later I reminded her that

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