job advice

New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Professional Associations: Helping Professionals Progress Their Careers

Professional associations are some of the most helpful (but often under used) resources for networking.  There are literally thousands of professional associations representing every different type of industry and profession. A professional association is a group of professionals within a career field who come together for: Individual professional development and advancement Promoting the field as well as educating the public on issues related to the industry Networking and collaborating Sharing new ideas and practices that set standards for the industry and workplace Representing interests of industry before federal, state and local governments To explore and discover the professional association that would fit your goals, visit the American Society of Association Executives at or you can visit their searchable directory to find associations in Colorado

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Don’t Worry: Everyone Goes Through the Job Search Blues

I recently received a few different messages from job seekers who were feeling beat down by the job seeking process. One told me, “It’s 11:00 a.m. and I’m still in my pajamas.  I’m having a hard time finding any energy to send out another resume.” Another said, “I’m stuck!  I’m usually a positive, energetic person, but today, I’m just depressed.  I just can’t take another rejection!” I know there are a lot of other job seekers out there who, from time to time, struggle to find the motivation to even get out of bed or have days where worry and anxiety seemingly overwhelms them.  Sometimes it lasts for one day, other times it can last for

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