
Credit Score & Credit Repair

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Zack

Hey folks! It’s time for another edition of Nerds Behind Credit Karma. Last month, we introduced you to Craig, one of our awesome Senior Software Engineers. Today, you get to meet another Senior Software Engineer on the team: Zack! Zack loves spending time outdoors and recently went on a backpacking trip scaling coastal mountains along the Pacific coast in Big Sur, where he was briefly trapped in a dead tree. Find out more about Zack below! The Interview What’s your title at Credit Karma? Senior Software Engineer Describe in 25 words or less what you do. I work on the offer serving system and the framework to validate and send events to our data storage and processing pipeline. How long have you worked at CK? I started August

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Craig

Hey folks! It’s time for another edition of Nerds Behind Credit Karma. Last month, we introduced you to Riley, one of our awesome Senior Software Engineers. Today, you get to meet another Senior Software Engineer on the team: Craig! When Craig was very young, he was super shy, which meant that he could tell you the color your shoes were before he could tell you what color your eyes were. Find out more about Craig below! The Interview What’s your title at Credit Karma? Senior Software Engineer Describe in 25 words or less what you do. I help build the back-end systems used by our data analytics team so our users have an amazing experience. (Words to spare, yeah!) How long have you worked at CK

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Financial & Investment Tips

Interview With Dorethia Conner of #MoneyChat

Interview With Dorethia Conner of #MoneyChat is a post from: Faithful With A Few. If you enjoy it, please subscribe to the Feed.A few days ago we posted a review of #MoneyChat The Book, by Dorethia Kelly Conner. This new personal finance book was born out of the popular ‘money chats’ that Dorethia hosts each week on Twitter.To coincide with the launch of the book, we are posting a Q&A with the author about the book and how you can take control of your finances.Why did you write #MoneyChat: THE BOOK?Before the book was the website and before that the online Twitter Chat – which is the catalyst for the #MoneyChat movement. It is a way to take a conversation that

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