
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

The History of Ecommerce: From Cattle to Bitcoin

Do you remember Diner’s Club cards? How about those old online shops that only had a few buttons and products for you to choose from? Each time you had to punch in your credit card number. It wasn’t like today where we can save a credit card number to a profile and use it numerous times into the future. History of Commerce: From Cattle to Bitcoin, infographic created by Ecommerce Platforms. Imagine having to purchase everything you owned by trading just cattle in 7000 BC. I’m sure most of us don’t remember the gold standard which led to some of the most exciting, and often violent, gold rushes the United States, and other countries have ever seen. But What Was the First Online Sale? It turns out Pizza

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Goals in One Word

That’s right, pick one word for your goals! Goals are something I do every day all year long. I know a lot about goals because I achieved all the important ones in my life. I know that sounds a little arrogant, but it is true. I was not my high school valedictorian nor did I graduate college phi beta kappa either. I was just the most determined person in the room and it worked! Impossible is just an opinion (Paulo Coelho). This is my mantra for dealing with difficult situations. I have achieved the impossible many times and continue to work on a number of impossible projects.  When I was thirty-one (31) years old, I wanted to achieve financial freedom before I reached forty years

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