
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

How Far Back Can I Claim My PPI? A Question On The Minds Of Many

At present there is the ongoing scandal of insurance mis-selling (this has been going on in the UK for a number of years and there are cases of miss sold PPI dating back more than 20 years), this is a financial scandal that has been raging for more than a decade with a number of different ppi claims companies’ handling claims for customers (in some cases claimants have hired their own independent solicitors or even pursued a PPI claim themselves). When it comes to payment protection insurance claims (PPI claims for short) some examples of important questions on peoples minds at the moment are questions such as “how far back can I claim PPI?” Expanded Meaning: “how far back in time can my payment protection insurance

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

5 ways to reduce the pain of the inevitable

This article is by staff writer William Cowie. Jake and Kelly (not their real names) were very dear friends of ours. Well, Kelly is still, but her husband just recently passed away. Because he was healthy and active, it came as a complete shock to us all — especially to Kelly. A familiar division of labor had developed in their 40 years of marriage. Jake was the one who took care of everything. He naturally just assumed the role of handyman, car mechanic, and accountant. If it broke, he fixed it; if it needed gas, he filled it; and if it needed to be paid, he made sure the finances would accommodate it. Circumstances reinforce habits They both worked since becoming empty nesters, but a few years ago

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Financial & Investment Tips

Burst Sprinkler Line, Property Damage, and Renter’s Insurance

A week ago today I was in Phoenix. I had been there for a few days, and I had been planning to spend a month with my girlfriend away from the cold New Jersey weather. It wasn’t a vacation. We each needed to continue working, but figured we might as well do so where the weather was nice. Early in the morning, I got a frantic call from my apartment complex’s superintendent. “Where are you?” Groggily, I stated I was out of town and asked what was going on. “We have a major problem.” The sprinkler line in my apartment building froze and burst, dumping cold water, ceiling debris, and insulation into my kitchen. The unit below me was in worse

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How To Claim Back Your Mis-Sold PPI

With millions of people so far having claimed PPI compensation for mis sold policies it is no surprise that the scandal is regarded as the worst in UK banking history. The High Court has ruled that any policies that have been mis sold to customers must be fully refunded, with compensation added. To claim back PPI you need to have been mis sold the policy in the first place, and there are many examples of mis-selling. We have so far helped many people get back the fees they are owed, and we can help you too. PPI – A summaryPayment protection insurance (PPI) is a form of cover that is designed to keep up the monthly payments on a loan, mortgage or any form of credit

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Don’t Throw Away Junk Mail Without Reading it!

There’s at least one piece of junk mail in my mailbox every day. There are repeat offenders such as credit card offers, which I get extreme pleasure out of putting them immediately through the shredder, the realtor that we used to buy our home, and even ads from grocery stores. One of the worst offenders, however, is my car insurance company. It seems I get something from them every day trying to sell me life insurance, buy one of their retirement planning products, or just requesting me to come in and have all my needs reevaluated. They usually end up in the trash half opened. Which is exactly where a particular one I received recently was destined to end up? But as I ripped the envelope open

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