
Avoiding Mosquito Bites & Preventing West Nile

We’ve already shared a number of natural remedies for relieving the itch and sting of bug bites. But, with all of the talk of West Nile virus lately, we thought it would be a better idea to share an effective way to keep mosquitoes away. In addition to wearing long clothing and using bug repellents, you can burn coffee grounds in a small dish or saucer. This way, you can enjoy the last days of summer without being swarmed by the virus-carrying pests that we wish were long gone by now. While natural remedies are conducive to frugal living, prevention is just that much better. *Photo from Flickr, courtesy of aussiegall *We will soon be taking a short break from posting daily thrifty tips in an

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Save Power When Using the Self-Cleaning Function on Your Oven

That self-cleaning function on your oven sure is handy, isn’t it? The only problem is that it requires a large amount of energy to get the temperature of the oven high enough for the cleaning function to work. To make this tool a little more frugal living friendly, consider planning to clean your oven after you’ve used it and, preferably, the broiler. This way, the temperature of the oven will already be warmer than if the self-cleaner had to bring the temperature all the way up from zero. If the broiler has been used, the oven is more than half way there! It’s easy to save power. Just learn to adapt aspects of your daily routines to make them a little more conducive to frugal

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Wash Produce When You Need it & Reduce Food Cost

Do you find you’re tossing foods from your fridge before you even get to use them? One of the reasons this could be happening is if you often wash produce before putting it in the fridge. Sure, it’s convenient to have a bowl of grapes or berries already washed and ready to go in the fridge, but the excess water that stays on produce can cause it to spoil. The same goes for choosing produce at the grocery store that hasn’t been doused in water by the store’s misters. For frugal living and the sake of your grocery bills, only wash produce when you need it and as you use it. *Photo from Flickr, courtesy of *clairity*

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Prevent Dust with this Frugal Living Tip

I don’t know too many people that love to spend their time dusting, so if you’re like me, you would love to learn new ways of preventing the need for this household chore altogether. Okay, today’s frugal living tip may not get you out of your dusting duties forever, but it will reduce their frequency. One of the most effective ways to decrease the amount of dust in your home is to ensure that your air conditioner and furnace filters are cleaned on a regular basis. Not only will this keep the amount of dust down, but it will also allow these units to run more efficiently, saving you more money. Make it a habit of checking and cleaning these filters every other month and pick up

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Paved Roads are Best for Frugal Living

If you’ve been working hard to get the best gas mileage possible, there’s good reason to come up with new routes that only include flat, paved roads. Sure, it’s often the dirt or gravel roads that are the most scenic and that give us a nice break from the hustle and bustle of street lights and stop signs. But, when you drive on these unpaved surfaces, your vehicle’s engine works that much harder to turn your wheels. Driving on surfaces where it’s hard to get traction will always cost you more in gas. So, while you don’t have to forever swear-off the scenic route for frugal living, just don’t make it a habit of driving on these rough roads every day if you can. *Photo from

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Natural Remedies for Restless Legs Syndrome

You’d know it if you suffered from restless legs syndrome. For people with this condition, going to sleep at night can be a challenge because while the rest of their body may be ready for sleep, their legs want to keep moving. The good news is that there are some natural remedies or things you can do to keep your legs from wanting to move while you sleep. The first is to boost the amount of iron-rich foods you eat. Green leafy vegetables and red meat are great sources of iron and it’s these that will prevent muscle problems that cause your restless legs. If you’re having difficulty getting enough iron from your diet, consider taking an iron supplement. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol at night is

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Own a Business? Learn how to Save Water in a Big Way

If you’re a business owner, you’re likely familiar with doing what you can to reduce overhead costs. But have you thought about all of the ways that your company could save water? Whether you’re a full-fledged frugal living enthusiast or just interested in making more money, pay attention to these water-saving tips: Make sure staff knows that reporting any leaks or drippy faucets is a top priority Call your local water utility company and ask if there are any rebates of which you can take advantage. It might be that updating to more efficient fixtures and equipment could help you save money in a big way in the short and long term. If there are any unused areas in your building, turn off the water

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Bumper Crop of Zucchini? These Frugal Recipes will do the Trick

Zucchini is a tasty and nutritious food and what’s amazing about it from a frugal living perspective is that it often grows in abundance in people’s backyard gardens. If, however, you find yourself struggling to use up all of the zucchini, give some of these frugal recipes a try: Baking: of course, there are the old favourites zucchini bread, muffins, cakes and even brownies Dips: in a bowl of Greek yogurt or slightly softened cream cheese, add some grated zucchini and garlic for an easy yet tasty veggie dip Sneak it into other foods: this is a great idea if you have picky eaters and struggle to get them to eat vegetables. Simply grate zucchini into your pasta sauces, soups and stews, add even pancake batter. Fry

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How to Clean Cloth Diapers with a DIY Diaper Soak

Many frugal living enthusiasts choose to use cloth diapers because they’re more economical than the disposable kind, but the long and short of it is that you still have to wash the diapers. Instead of buying commercial diaper soaking solutions to keep your baby’s diapers stain, odour and bacteria-free, why not learn how to clean them with this amazingly versatile, totally frugal living, solution? All you need to do is add 4-5 drops of tea tree oil to a few litres of water. The tea tree oil is antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and this solution doesn’t contain any of the harsh chemicals that many other commercial products do. Just add your dirty diapers and that’s it! *Photo from Flickr, courtesy of simplyla

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Do your Own Research on Recalls, Don’t Rely on Dealers

Most people at all interested in frugal living know that they will pay more for routine maintenance on their vehicles if they go to the dealership. With that being said, many people like to stay on top of factory recalls from manufacturers and this is often the reason so many continue to get their oil changes and other simple servicing done at the dealership. But, when you can easily hop online and learn about manufacturers’ recalls from a number of reputable sites, why not save your money and opt to take your vehicle to a less expensive local mechanic? The government’s site ‘Safer Car’ is a great place to start. *Photo from Flickr, courtesy of dailyinvention

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Prevent Sinus Infections from Seasonal Allergies with these Natural Remedies

There can be nothing worse than seasonal allergies. Okay, scratch that, a sinus infection caused by your seasonal allergies would certainly be worse. The good news is that there are some effective natural remedies that can be used to ward off a sinus infection. What’s even better is that this home remedy is perfect for frugal living, too. All you need to do is to start drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (raw is best) in a tall glass of water each day, as soon as you sense that allergies are approaching. The apple cider vinegar helps to thin mucus and, for lack of a better explanation, keeps things flowing freely so that serious congestion and infection are avoided. This is a great tip for frugal living

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