
Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How to Find Well-Paying Freelance Gigs by Avoiding Job Boards

This post is from Careful Cents contributor Kayla, who owns the blog ShoeaholicNoMore. Over the next six months she’s documenting her journey to quitting her job and taking the leap into self-employment. When I was just starting out as a freelancer I was actively looking for new writing and VA jobs to add to my portfolio. I sought out and read lots of blog posts and articles with tips about how and where to get new jobs. Most of what I read suggested using job boards, like Upwork (formerly Elance and Odesk) as well as Fiverr. After reading these articles I did what most new freelancers probably do, I went to job board websites to see if they were legit. Honestly, I had no idea how

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How to Earn Five Figures a Year and Make Money Writing

Make money writing seems to be an all-too-common promise these days. But not all freelancers are writers, and not all small business owners are bloggers. Still, there’s no doubt that things like, building a blog and writing updates on social media, lead to more traffic and more sales. Whether you’re trying to build a client-based business, or growing your own brand of products and services, getting started as a freelance writer is an important foundation for everyone — no matter what career field, niche, or passion. That’s how I got my start four years ago when I launched this blog, and that’s how countless other solopreneurs have been able to quit their full-time jobs and become their own boss

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How I Started Getting More Freelance Jobs

I recently learned that I may be losing a major freelancing client of mine, through no fault of my own. For the past two years, I’ve had to really limit my freelancing. Between working full-time and going to school full-time for my MPA, I just didn’t have much spare time to devote to my side hustle business. So I kept the work that I had and took leads that came to me, but when it came to actually going out there and pursuing business? I pretty much took a break from that. And still, I managed to earn $20K a year from my side hustle income for the past two years in a row.  I consider that a success. Now that my master’s program

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