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6 Reasons Your Blog Traffic Might Be Declining [And What to Do About It]

The post 6 Reasons Your Blog Traffic Might Be Declining [And What to Do About It] appeared first on ProBlogger. Photo by Luismi Sánchez on Unsplash I’ve read a few comments here on Problogger from bloggers who are feeling low because they’ve noticed a plateau or even a decrease in the traffic coming to their blog. While we all want to see our traffic rise the reality is that every blog has days, weeks and even months where traffic levels out or even decreases. This can be quite distressing for bloggers who have big hopes and dreams for their blogs. Today I’d like to look at some of the reasons a blog’s traffic might decrease and suggest some ways forward for each of them. 1.

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Hey Bloggers! Is it Time to Focus a little Less on Your Blog and A Little More on YOU?

Blogging has been very good to me over the last twelve and a half years, but it’s come at a personal cost that I’m sure many can relate to. Gradually over that time I’ve allowed myself to become more and more inactive. Gradually over time I became less and less fit and gained more and more weight. Along with the weight gain and loss of fitness came a loss of energy and mental alertness. If I’m honest it also began to impact my mental health which in turn impacted numerous other areas of my life from relationships to my personal confidence and even through into my blogging. Four months ago I had a bit of a wake up call after my annual doctors

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