
Financial & Investment Tips

From Flat Broke at 37 to Self-Made Millionaire

Filed under: Small Business, Personal Finance, Entrepreneurs, Professional Development, People Courtesy: Plantscape Industry AllianceMotivational business speaker and author Barry Maher Through saving and investing, a lot of hard work and, in his words, more than a little luck, motivational business speaker and author Barry Maher went from being broke at age 37 to being a self-made millionaire and semi-retiree who can afford to retire completely. What Does ‘Semi-Retired’ Really Mean? Now 67, Maher only works when he wants, how he wants and as often as he wants. That sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. But who knew this would be in the cards for the boy who started out selling greeting cards door-to-door? Maher was self-employed through college and built a

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