
Financial & Investment Tips

What to Bring to College: The Smart (and Frugal) College Checklist

A lot of college packing lists seem like overkill. So what do you really need to bring? Photo: Nazareth College Angela writes in: In nine days, our oldest son is graduating from high school. He will be the first one in our family to go to college as he is going to [a major state school]. While we have spent a lot of time figuring out scholarships and financial aid and other things, we are really unsure as to what he needs to actually take to college. There are a lot of “lists of stuff to take to college” but they seem like overkill. You would need a moving van to take all of that stuff! He is going to live in the dorms for at

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

MBA Case Competitions: Win Cash and Build Your Skills

For many MBA students, money is a top priority. Not only are most working toward a degree with an eye toward a higher salary, but also actually paying for the degree is often a concern. While employers might cover some of the costs of a degree, managing a full-time job and school is a challenge. For those who don’t work full time, making ends meet while in school is a major obstacle. So what’s an ambitious business student to do? One of the most commonly overlooked income sources is actually intrinsically related to MBA studies, and has the potential to be a significant source of cash to pay for school, cover living expenses, or pay off student loans. MBA case competitions offer large prizes — in

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

March is Credit Education Month!

At Credit Karma, every month is credit education month. So we’re fully behind celebrating March for actually being credit education month, and we’ve launched a new website in its honor. We created as a destination for consumers, Credit Karma members or not, to further educate them on the importance of good credit health and the huge financial impact it can have. Our new site breaks what can be an intimidating subject into easy-to-digest pieces, illustrating the impact of credit scores and what influences them, how people should read a credit report and what to do to take control of their credit situation. shares results from a survey¹ that perhaps best explains why a site like is needed. There’s a

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

Ways To Pay For College Without Breaking The Bank

Going to college can be stressful in so many ways. If you are just getting out of high school, you are being pushed into the real world on your own. Your responsibilities just increased ten-fold. You now have to get yourself to class everyday, do your homework, study for tests, and maybe even work. As if that is not enough, you also have to worry about how you are going to pay for college. If you don’t have money saved up to pay for tuition, you are basically on your own trying to find out how to pay for it. Luckily, you have quite a few options. College is far from cheap, but if you are wise you can pay for it without totally breaking

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