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5 Tricks to Get Discounts on Everything You Buy

There is no reason to ever pay full retail price for anything you buy in a store — ever. With the rise of online shopping, which allows for instant price comparison, brick-and-mortar establishments must go the extra mile to earn your business. All you need are the tools to pay less for what you want. Read on to fill your toolkit: 1. Learn to Negotiate Most people are uncomfortable haggling; we’re used to opening our wallets and saying “here.” But you are likely to find it’s worth it to try your hand at bargaining. A Consumer Reports survey shows 89{7dabfd103aa443fce219eea47f0f346a11a54ce587a1a0cbb74f06b9f7a304ca} of hagglers were successful at least once. And the savings can be substantial. People who questioned health care charges or furniture prices saved an average

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