credit score

Credit Score & Credit Repair

Help! Workers’ Compensation Wrecked My Credit

A reader, “Anngie,” recently contacted us to ask what she could do about credit damage from a bill that should have been paid by workers’ compensation. Here’s what she told us: “A workmans comp claim not paid from 2012 is on my credit report. I am working with all parties to resolve…but how do I remove the negative impact on my report….I don’t want it to look as if I paid it & it was my responsibility & allowed it to remain for 3 years unpaid. Can I have the company fax somewhere to validate this was not my collections? If this is accomplished — will my credit score reveal a pre-collections score?” The answer isn’t simple, unfortunately. We

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Nerds Behind Credit Karma: Riley

Hey there! It’s time for another edition of Nerds Behind Credit Karma. Last month, we introduced you to Dan, one of our cool Senior Software Engineers in Test. Today, you get to meet Riley, one of our awesome Senior Software Engineers! Riley plays intramural volleyball on the weekends. He started playing last year and was horrible: he couldn’t spike and kept hitting the ceiling. However, by the end of the season, his team made it to championships, where during the last game, every single person got injured. They still won, and are hoping to do as well in their championship this season, but with less battle scars. Find out more fun facts about Riley below. The Interview What’s your title at Credit Karma? Senior Software Engineer Describe

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