Credit Reports

Credit Score & Credit Repair

How to Take Monitoring Your Credit to the Next Level

This article originally appeared on CityGirlSavings. *This post is sponsored by All opinions are my own. Whether you’re just starting out with credit, or looking to finally build your credit profile up, it can be hard to know what to do or what to look for. Trust me, I get it. After nearly 12 years of monitoring, my credit is finally where I want it to be. It shouldn’t have taken that long, but I just didn’t know what I was looking for. That doesn’t have to be the case for you, thanks to ExtraCredit by Why Credit Monitoring is Important? Before I get into all the fun and juicy details about ExtraCredit, I want to first make sure you understand how important monitoring

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

The Credit Karma Business Model: Turning lose-lose, into win-win-win

Have you ever wondered how Credit Karma is able to provide your credit scores and reports for free, when so many others want to charge you? We’ve been able to do what others could not, because our business model is built on addressing a two-sided problem that has long impacted banks and consumers. Advertising can be a tricky proposition for financial services providers. Most industries don’t have to worry about reaching the wrong consumer with their marketing. At worst, the consumer isn’t interested in the product. Credit cards and loans, however, are more difficult to advertise because they present a significant goldilocks problem: if your credit is too high, a particular product probably won’t interest you and if it is too low, you can get declined

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