Credit Repair

Credit Score & Credit Repair

Help your military clients keep his or her credit safe.

Fraud and debt are a few of the biggest problems your military clients will face. When you own a credit repair company you will meet a variety of people with varying amounts of credit troubles. One of the biggest groups will be military personnel.  Active military personnel are twice as likely to be victims of identity fraud than any other group. To ensure your military clients walk away with an improved score and more knowledgeable here is some information to keep his or her credit safe. Prevent Identity theft. Your active duty military clients have a high chance of being victims of identity theft. They will have to take extra steps to ensure they have nothing to worry about when they return home. One step your military

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Credit Repair Can be a Tough Time for Clients

Find out how to help emotional clients during credit repair When involved in the credit repair process, people will feel a wide array of emotions. Anger, stress, fear, and depression may make an appearance and you will have to know how to react to each in an appropriate manner. To deal with any of these emotions it is important to stay calm, take a deep breath, and remember not to take it personally. When emotions are highly charged people may not act as reasonably as they normally would and take his or her frustration out on you. Some days will be harder for you than others but you have to remember that you are making a difference in the client’s life and no matter what they feel

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Do’s and Don’ts of a Credit Repair Company

Make sure your credit repair company is following the rules There are many hurdles that you will face when running your credit repair company. You will have to prove yourself every step of the way; convincing customers that you are a legitimate business that is ready and willing to help repair his or her credit score. There are some major things that you could be doing that are throwing up red flags. To make sure that you are not waving any flags, here is a list of some major Do’s and Don’ts for credit repair companies. DO: Inform clients of his or her rights; to do this on their own and how to cancel their credit repair contract. Before any contract can be signed and work begun,

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Is Your Local Credit Repair Business Listing Necessary?

Back before technology was a way of life, people put company information in the Yellow or White pages. Why not combine the old ways with the new? Whether you are just starting out in the credit repair industry or have been around for awhile, there is one thing you must do to help your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking. Listing your company in a local online directory will help boost your local SEO ranking and let people who need help with credit repair find your company quickly and efficiently. Most people looking for help will want someone who is close by. There are a number of reasons that it is important to claim your business on the internet. One of the major ones being that you want

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Develop and Improve Your Credit Repair Business Reputation

Credit Repair Business Reputation – Growth Strategy As a credit repair business owner, you are constantly evaluating your business and looking for new strategies for growth. It’s easy to become so consumed with the day-to-day work and marketing efforts that you lose sight of one the most important aspects of growing a successful credit repair business; maintaining a good reputation. Thanks to the power of social mediaand review websites, at any moment, an unhappy customer can share an opinion with the masses that can negatively affect your business. Here are a few tips to ensure that your credit repair company reputation stays intact. Put Your Best Foot Forward In the credit repair business you never know how and when you’ll meet your next client. Just

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Keep Credit Repair Customers Happy

Customer Loyalty Programs for Credit Repair Businesses One important goal for your credit repair business is to gain new customers. However it’s just as important to keep your current customers happy so they will stay with you. One way to help your customer retention is through a customer loyalty program. You can show credit repair customers your gratitude by rewarding them for their continued business. Offering them rewards, discounts, and incentives. Not only does a loyalty program provide a reason for clients to stick around  it also creates a sense of community that becomes attractive to new clients. When they feel appreciated, customers will spread the word about their positive experience with your business, which in turn grows your customer base. Additional benefits of implementing a

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

How Student Loan Debt Factors into Your FICO® Score

By Tom QuinnThis year’s summer break may be a bit more stressful if you are a college student who plans on taking out subsidized federal student loans to help pay for upcoming tuition. Unless Congress takes action this summer to restore lower rates, new student loans will have interest rates twice what they were in the spring semester (3.4 percent to 6.8 percent). You don’t need to be a math major to know this is not good news.This difference in interest rates will increase the total amount of money you end up investing in your education. And it will likely impact a lot of US consumers.With education costs rapidly outpacing inflation, more students and their parents are taking out student loans to pay for education. Based

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Disputing Credit Report Information, What Happens to my FICO Scores During The Dispute?

By John Ulzheimer President of Consumer Education at,I recently received this question from a consumer regarding a rumor they heard about how disputing credit information impacts their FICO credit scores…“I’ve read on the Internet that when someone disputes information on their credit reports their credit scores will improve because the disputed item no longer counts in their scores. Is that true”As you’ve probably figured out by now, there’s a enormous amount of information about credit scores floating around on the Internet. Some of it is accurate, a lot of it is not. This consumer’s question is actually a good one because there is variable treatment of credit information when it’s being disputed. But, it’s not as simple as saying, “no, it doesn’t count in

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Can Your "Employment Credit Score" Hurt Your Chances At Getting A Job?

By Robert Linkonis Sr.I’ve often defined and called out the “Myth of Credit score and Employment” as the Unicorn of the credit world—a lot of people have heard of this, but nobody has actually ever seen a case where a credit score caused an applicant to be denied employment on this factor alone …In trying to dispel this idea altogether, I have noted many cases – all exposed in this blog – but Suze Orman’s recent campaign to promote her new Prepaid Debit Card – in which she eludes to the fact that not having a FICO score could cost consumers a job… Whaaaaaaaaaa ???Suzi and I have never been friends, but — what is she telling her prospective customers?Here’s the truth: Credit scores are never sold by

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