
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Carnival of Wealth, Back from the Dead Edition

You can’t kill a dead man, but apparently a part-timer can break his streak If you missed last week’s Carnival of Wealth…well, you weren’t the only one. First, the excuse: we use a couple of hosting services to organize the carnival submissions for us. One of those services has been down for a while now, the other one takes submissions and watches them disappear into the ether. So we should have been suspicious when Sunday night came around and we’d received posts from a grand total of 2 sites, one of them with only a tenuous connection to personal finance. Thank God we’ve developed the ability to filibuster. The next morning, many of our regular submitters asked where their offerings had

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Carnival of Wealth, Andrew Pohl Edition

Andrew and his best friend, Gord That’s the problem with being selective. You accept only the good submissions, or the stupendously awful ones, and pretty soon the number of submitters dwindles to a trickle. Presenting another edition of the Carnival of Wealth, the only personal finance blog carnival worth a damn. Even with only 2 submitters. One of whom is one of the aforementioned awful contingent, the other of whom is a rookie. When you’re the only legitimate submitter, unbowed by threats of search engine optimization punishment, the least we can do is name a weekly edition of the Carnival of Wealth in your honor. That warrants some explanation, and excuse us if this is a little too inside baseball. The majority of blog carnivals are

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Carnival of Wealth, Ockham’s Razor Edition

Includes an attachment for those hard-to-reach places So the Malaysian government has determined that an airliner that was lost over the ocean did, in point of fact, crash into the ocean. Thanks for that. Next up, how was the Empire State Building erected: 1930s-era work crews, or visitors from Tau Ceti? Excuse us as we go off on the absurdity of journalists in general. They deserve it. Last week a CNN anchor entertained the notion of Flight 370 being swallowed by a black hole. One localized entirely within a segment of the Indian Ocean. A Mother Jones writer blames the failure to find remnants of the flight on anthropogenic global warming. Sure, why not? How about this – be it resolved that it’s impossible

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Carnival of Wealth, Mad Jack Churchill Edition

Now this is the face of a man who just loves killing Nazis. Presenting the only World War II soldier confirmed to have killed an enemy with an arrow. When the Krauts invaded Poland, Lt-Col Churchill reenlisted at the age of 34. He’d left the British Army years earlier, the peace of the 1930s unsuited to the mindset of a guy whose first name was “Mad.” He’d go into combat armed with a longbow and a claymore. Again, this was WWII, not the Crusades. It’s not as if Browning rifles hadn’t been invented. Mad Jack would fight his enemies with centuries-old weapons just for the fun of it. He carried bagpipes and grenades, simultaneously. These days, that’s part of

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