
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Retirement, Planning the Emotional Side

Retirement planning is more than your financial needs! I retired (achieved financial independence) about thirty-eight (38) years ago and understand this better than most people. I am just two (2) years away from retiring again and thinking about what I will do in retirement. There are a lot of things that come to mind, but enough about me. What are you going to do in retirement? This may be the most important question you face in retirement! You have the finances set, you been saving, investing and making sure you have sufficient money to support you and your family. Now, you are faced with the emotional side. What is your routine? I know, sleep late, and do what you want! Who cares? That works

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Financial & Investment Tips

The Value Line: Building More Skills for a Better Life

The more skills you learn that can put you even a hair’s breadth above the ‘value line’ — the threshold where you no longer need to pay someone else for expertise but can actually offer it yourself — the better off you’ll be. Photo: Jenny Downing My father was always a “jack of all trades” kind of guy. He was an absolute stellar gardener. He was a very good small-scale commercial fisherman, able to catch hundreds of pounds of fish in a single day. He held down a fairly technical job at a factory that involved computer operation and diagnosing problems with a part picker (a machine that would pull parts out of storage bins and send them on conveyor belts to

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Why Get a College Degree?

Why get a college degree?  You would expect a high return on investment (ROI), if you attended Harvard, Yale or MIT. Even if you received a degree from a no name university.  A lot of families are thinking about this question, whether you are a high school senior or just graduated.   Finding a job in this economy is tough and paying off student loans are tougher without a job.   Is college worth it? College tuition has increased more than inflation in the last few years thanks to state budget shortfalls.  If you want to attend a private university, the cost is approaching the cost of a small home.  No doubt about it, a college education is expensive whether you go to a public or private university.  Has

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

4 Reasons a Healthcare Informatics Career Is a Profitable Career

Most of us will reach that point in our career when we want — or even need — a change. Maybe you are already at that point. You may even seek to pursue a lifelong dream of a healthcare career. If you are looking for a profitable career change, one that can offer a variety of possibilities, then check out these four reasons to consider a healthcare informatics career.Healthcare Informatics- The Field Is GrowingThe Affordable Care Act mandates paperless medical records by 2015. Because of this, healthcare providers desperately need personnel to place the records online and administer them, not to mention maintain the systems that hold these records. Additionally, healthcare providers’ systems must be able to effectively communicate with insurance companies’ systems to make sure that

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