buying a home

Credit Score & Credit Repair

Is Your Credit Keeping You From Buying a Home? You’re Not Alone

For most of us, buying a home is both exciting and scary. It’s a big purchase, often financed for many years, and no one wants to make a mistake. But many homebuyers are delaying the big jump into homeownership because of one thing — their credit scores. A new survey from Experian found that 58{7dabfd103aa443fce219eea47f0f346a11a54ce587a1a0cbb74f06b9f7a304ca} of future homebuyers are actively working on their credit in order to get a better mortgage interest rate. The actions they were taking included paying off debt, paying bills on time, keeping balances low and not applying for new credit. All of those can boost credit scores, particularly paying on time. A late payment when you are applying for a mortgage can really hurt your chances of having the loan approved. The

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