
Financial & Investment Tips

Trader Linda Raschke: Tips On Day-Trading the S&P 500 

The S&P 500 futures market is a trading arena unto itself, which can accommodate many different trading styles, according to Linda Bradford Raschke, a well known trader, lecturer and president of LBR Group, Inc. “Not only does this market display a different daily profile than the other futures markets, but it has a much longer “length of line” (intraday swings), which offers more trading opportunities, she said. “Additionally, there is a wealth of information provided by many internal indicators on the equities market that some professionals like to monitor.” Below, the longtime trader provides some tips on trying to be a successful S&P 500 day trader. “However, let me also say that the majority of the professional S&P day traders I know tend to specialize

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Financial & Investment Tips

4 Creative Ways of Financing Your Startup

Every time I run into an old acquaintance or even look on social media, I see someone else who has decided to start a business. There are around 1 million people every year who decide to take their skills, talents, and passions and jump into the scary world of entrepreneurship. If you find yourself becoming a part-time or full-time business owner, you may find yourself in need of financing. The Necessity of Financing Your Startup Not everyone who starts a business will need to raise a lot of capital before getting started. For some, the nature & structure of the business will mean that little investment is needed – many people are able to “set up shop” virtually and use profits to fuel growth. However,

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Credit Score & Credit Repair

Why is ProOpinion Good for Individuals Starting A Business

Has there been a time where you have to do such extensive research for your business that it ended up being exhausted and jaded? Don’t you wish that everything that you need for your business were grouped under one umbrella so you will be able to find it at a click of a button? There are many knowledge-based website hosted by leading business schools or high profile companies, but it still mean you have to go to several websites to look for the right thing that you want. And not mention the cross-checking and cross-referencing that you have to do to make sure that your information is legitimate and usable. is an online community with people with the same goal – driven by

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