
New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Save Money News – Millennials Learn How to Save up Money, Even When Their Funds are Limited

In recent save money news stories, information has been released on how Millennials are learning how to save up money, even though they do not have a lot of money at their disposal. According to studies, the Millennials throughout the nation have the lowest net worth of any other generation that is of working-age. Based on statistics, half of all of the adults between the ages of 18 and 34 have a net worth of less than $11,000.00. Additionally, the average income of the Millennials is also considered to be the lowest in the nation, at approximately $35,000 or less, annually. Given the fact that this age group faces the largest amount of complications with the job market, has a surprisingly large amount of student debt, and are

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New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Faith-Based Financial Advice for Families

In researching faith-based financial advice for families, you will find that there are several books, guides, articles, and other types of informative sources available on the topic. Proper management of your monetary resources and living within your means are the two most essential elements in today’s world for Christian families that have a desire to live abundantly and experience a high level of happiness. The Bible teaches us that we should grow wealth with a unique purpose, protect your wealth, and share your wealth with the people of God. In this faith-based financial guide, you will be introduced to several time-honored pieces of advice that will assist you in doing all of that, and more! The first step to financial security is to ensure

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

What to do When Your APR Goes Up

I’ve written a great deal about credit cards over the years, from credit card security to disputing charges to what to look for in a credit card.  I recently realized, though, that I haven’t said much about APRs (Annual Percentage Rates = interest rates) and what you can do when they go up.  And chances are, at some point your APR will go up.  Fortunately, though, credit card companies are required to notify you of an impending APR hike – which gives you some time to decide how to handle the change. Why the Hike? Common Reasons for an APR Increase Before we talk about what to do when your APR increases, let’s talk about why your APR might be going up. Three very common reasons include:

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How We Saved More Than $1,000 on Vacation with Credit Card Rewards

Eric and I went on a Mexican getaway to the Riviera Maya earlier this month, staying at Tulum and Playa del Carmen for a few days each, and happily we were able to use credit card rewards to pay for vacation (or at least a large chunk of it!). We had a wonderful time and it was so great to celebrate Eric finishing his year of work probation, which means no more studying, test-taking, or being the rookie firefighter anymore, he is officially official! It was also wonderful to get away from the stress of new home ownership. While it has definitely been a dream of ours, I also have to admit that we can get overwhelmed by the amount of projects we want to

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Frugal Living, Saving Money & Life Hacks

How far would you go for a price adjustment?

I have to tell you a story that made me feel really dumb. Its the kind of incident that leaves you reeling because you feel pretty stupid even though you know you’re right. And the kind of moment that you can’t shake off your head–so I decided rather than to continue to feel stupid about it, I would blog about it, because somehow I know you guys will all understand. After suffering through a cold and hardly getting any sleep, I went to CVS to get some Nyquil. I specifically chose the CVS brand over the name brand because it was on sale–a two-pack for $10.99. There was only one cashier on this lonely Saturday night, and there were three people in

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Debt Management, Relief & Consolidation

Three Reasons I Need to Reconcile my Checking Account Every Day

A disturbing trend has been taking shape in my home. It could have gone on for quite a while without noticing if my daughter hadn’t asked a very simple question just about a week ago. “Dad, we haven’t paid for Netflix for a while, have we?” We had given our two kids each a free month subscription of Netflix for Christmas last year. When we signed up we also got a month free as part of a holiday promotion. We told our kids that after three months were over, they could decide whether they wanted to keep it or not. But if they kept it, they would have to split the monthly $6.95 subscription fee. She was right; I had not collected their payment since the

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