New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

Stop Reading. Start Doing. Now!


I’m going to hazard a guess that you are here at ProBlogger because you want to know how to make a blog a success. With a successful blog, you can make some money, right? With the knowledge you glean from here and other places, you’re hoping to take your blog to the next level.

But I think that’s where a lot of us get stuck. With the knowledge.

We may in theory know what it takes to create great content, find readers, nail social media, and run a much-loved blog. But we may also stop short of actually putting that knowledge into practice. And what is the point of having all that knowledge, if you’re not going to use it to help your dreams come true?

I think we’re all guilty of it to some degree. There have been tons of things I knew I should do, but thought I lacked the time or the skills to do so. One day, I forced myself to sit down and make those small changes on my blog, one at a time. And you know what? They weren’t so hard, and they didn’t take much time. Things like installing a sticky top bar messenger for newsletter signups, revamping my About page so it more accurately reflected what my blog is about, actually testing some Pinterest strategies… my list was seemingly endless. And seemingly endless lists can be overwhelming – so much so that we don’t even get started on them.

What I want you to do (today, if you can!) and pick one thing you’ve learned recently and actually do it.

You know what those things are that are floating around in the back of your mind. That you’ll get to one day. Well, today is your day! Go! Do!

Which one do you think you will try? I’d love to hear in the comments what’s on your list, or what you’ve done recently that has really worked.

Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of, and the gal behind Veggie Mama. A writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd, she can be found making play-dough, reading The Cat in the Hat for the eleventh time, and avoiding the laundry. See evidence on Instagram here, on Facebook here, and twitter @veggie_mama.

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