Financial & Investment Tips

Starbucks Free Refill Hack | Money Bulldog

Starbucks Free Refill Hack


We were driving in our car today when my son turned to me and said ‘Dad, you’re not going to believe this but you can get unlimited free refills at Starbucks all day for just £1.50!’ 

Now my son – like myself – is a bit of a bargain hunter and hates overpaying for things. Like any other child he’s also a little addicted to YouTube and YouTube shorts. So I have to say I was a little skeptical that he might be getting taken in a little bit by some kind of click bait. 

So I asked him a few more questions and had him send me the links to where he’d found the information and lone behold, what he was telling me was true. Let me explain…

How to get free refills at Starbucks

It turned out that what my son was telling me was completely true! 

If you have the Starbucks app and you are a rewards member – which it’s completely free to sign up for by the way – you can indeed scan this app when purchasing filter or cold brew coffee (and also tea) and receive free unlimited refills for as long as you are in the store.

Not only this but you can also receive a further 25p off by taking your own reusable cup to the store to use.

Now the links he sent were a little old and there were figures of £1.50 being used as the total price of a filter coffee – after the reusable cup discount had been applied. I’m guessing these figures are now a little out of date with recent inflationary pressures. But even if you’re now paying more like £2.50 for a filter coffee with unlimited refills, that’s still a really great deal.

Factor in that you’re also not having to heat your home during this time if using it as a workspace and that you have access to their free wifi and the joyous sight of other human beings while working, well this all adds value to an already great deal. 

Are there any hidden catches? 

There really doesn’t seem to be any hidden catches either. The only one that might come up is that it says the usual ‘at participating stores’ in the terms and conditions of the deal. But all you have to to do is ask in your local store if they are part of the deal.

Also don’t forget to scan your rewards card when making your first order and then again each time you go for a refill.

Finally be aware that once you leave the store, you will then likely have to pay for a new coffee if you return later.

Time to get the app!

So if you like the sound of getting free unlimited refills on filter coffee – iced or hot – and also iced or hot tea, then why not check out the Starbucks app and sign up to the rewards program to start benefiting from the deal today. Here’s a link to the offer details page too so you can check the details yourself.  

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