New Jobs, Extra Income & Making Money

SPI 162: A First-Timer’s $130,208 Product Launch

SPI 162

I love hearing success stories, and the best success stories are the ones that come from listeners like you. That’s what today’s episode is all about.

My guest today, Nick Stephenson, heard David Siteman Garland talk with me about creating online courses back in Session 136. Nick took action, and by the time his product launch rolled around, he was crushing it.

Just how much was he crushing it? The answer’s right there in this episode’s title—his online course for fiction writers,, launched at over $130,000. Nick’s here today to reveal just how he did that. He’ll share the tools he used and steps he took to conceptualize, develop, and launch his online course.

Nick admits that at first, he didn’t think this kind of success was possible. He’d hear stories from other online entrepreneurs but never dreamed something like that could happen for him. As his own journey proves, it can—and it can happen for you, too.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Nick’s in-depth, step-by-step launch process.
  • Tools and platforms for creating your online course.
  • Strategies for building your email list.
  • An approach to selling without feeling sleazy.
  • Tips for tailoring lead magnets to fit your niche.
  • The biggest obstacle Nick sees for people in his field who want to build their audience.
  • Nick’s advice for sticking with it when the going gets tough.
  • How to make time in a busy schedule to launch a new idea, and more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Thanks for Listening!

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Huge thanks to Nick joining me this week. Until next time!


Click Here to Download the Transcript for Session 162 (PDF)

SPI 162: A First-Timer’s $130,208 Product Launch is a post from: The Smart Passive Income Blog

SOURCE: The Smart Passive Income Blog – Read entire story here.